Reworked by Uncle Bill. 21" GRS. Pix and save $75.

Mar 5, 1999


This was a 10/10 21 inch, 3.25 pound, Ganga Ram Special very nicely done by Bura. Some time back this blade encountered something it shouldn't have and a little chip went out of the edge of the blade. I've reground the edge as you can see -- not pretty but functional. The blade is still plenty hard enough to do a lot of work even after my somewhat sloppy rework. Fit is excellent, finish is magic stone mirror except where I've ground it and hardness is up in the 58 to 60 Rc range.

Karda and chakma excellent. Scabbard made and nicely tooled by sarki with no name. 100 year HI superfrog.

This knife will make a real workhorse for somebody and if you want to take the time with stone and sandpaper you can get rid of the grindmarks and bring the entire blade back to mirror finish.

Since my rework is pretty ugly and I don't want to take the time to make the knife beautiful again we will discount the price to $120 -- $75 off regular for a knife that should last 100 years. It goes with full HI guarantee.

Call or email if interested.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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