Richmond Va Knife show

Mark Williams

Nov 28, 2000
This is already posted in the blade discussion forum but I know sometimes I dont make it to other forums than this one. Hope to see some of you guys there. If you see an ugly guy with a big bushy gray beard and a Ford truck hat say Hi.


here's a link
I just realized I probably just described the appearance of half of the attendees. I'll wear a name tag that says Gouge.

Edmund Davidson sent me some info on it,I am still green with knife making I am thinking I will attend this show next year!!!
At this point in my knifemaking,I would be ashamed to lay my work down next to some of the pros!!:( :(
Me and Alan will be there along with Alans wife Mary. We will have a table selling a few tings.

Shows are great social events. U get to put faces to names and talk face to face with othere members. Having money is good to get the fix but the socialization is tops. IMHO. Stop by and say HI. We will be looking for U.
