Rick Hinderer Knives Picture Thread

Ross, that is an amazing photo. Everything is perfectly clear and crisp. I love the reflection in the background and the fine textured Ti lines on the scale. The satin finish is just the cherry on top to perfection. Thanks for sharing brother!
Thanks, Kevin......I was cleaning up the yard yesterday and thought I might as well put the patio table to use before it gets put away........here's one for "Frag Friday"
........and now I have to go back to my seeming endless "to do" list before the weekend starts..........

I believe it's official...Ross, in large part to your efforts, I believe there are as many (if not more) XM Ti scales in CA as there are in the USA.
Very impressive and I think N2K has a valid point as well!! Freaking awesome Ross!

Thanks to a good friend this is possible.. Thanks again brother! This is what was waiting for me today... I'm still all giggly :D

That Skinner is awesome, congrats! That's one I really want, too.

Ross, your Ti collection...I never get sick of seeing all that sweetness.
Man where are all these skinners coming from?! I want in on the fun yo.

Seriously though, great pics guys. Enjoy the skinners! Best blade grind (prod/custom) an XM can have IMO...