Ridding Rust on Rust Resistant Wares

Mar 31, 1999
I read once upon a time (or so I seem to remember), that some sort of solvent or something-or-other will get rid of the very beginnings of light rust spots on a 'stainless' blade. I live in the tropics and my Gerber EZ-Out ATS34 has developed a few little spots of 'character'.

Is there truly something that will possibly take them off? Anyone know?

Thanks for responses and suggestions. It's not a Sebenza, (my wallet is Sebenza-impaired!
), but I'd still like to keep it as characterless as possible.

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John 3:3-7

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There are plenty of good anti-rust goops and pastes and liquids available, like the stuff from Sentry Solutions. Personally, I like Break-Free CLP as an all purpose rust cleaner, preventative, and folder lubricant.


AKTI #A000845
And tomorrow when you wake up it will be worse.
I've had excellent results with just applying a bit of WD40, allowing it to sit for a few minutes, and then rubbing with a cloth. It takes a bit of rubbing, but this practice has removed minor rust spots for me on several occations. If the knife is just a user, you can go ahead and use a polish such as Mother's Mag Polish or Fitz. You can even go to very fine grit sand paper and use it lightly.

Then use a product such as Sentry Tuffcloth to help prevent future rust.

Thanks to both of you for your suggestions! Living in the 'boones' here in the Philippines means very limited access to nearly everything in the store-bought items area. However, WD40 has made it even way out here. I'll try that right now.


Cutting through all the muck,
we get to what's really important.

John 3:3-7

God Bless You!
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions. Living in the 'boones' of the Philippines limits me severely in the 'store-bought items' area. But WD40 has made it even way out here. I'll try it right now.


Cutting through all the muck,
we get to what's really important.

John 3:3-7

God Bless You!