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Ripples in blade !!

Feb 13, 2002
I know I shouldn't really do this but I know my sharpening skills are too bad to warrant much concern. If I run my thumb along the blade it has ripples ie is not a smooth sharp edge. Weird or normal ??

I know it's a handmade knife but will sharpening the blade change this. My Chiruwa which has been sharpened the most is nice and smooth ??

Brendan, I don't run my finger along the blade lengthwise. My Dad taught me not to do that. I've cut myself when younger doing that. I don't know if professional knife people do that or not. It seems like it would be one way to show how sharp the edge is, by how much it digs in. Like a diabetic with the needle sticks, I wonder if you run out of finger space doing that?

I have one blade with more wavers than others. I think most of them have one waver... Kesar's and Bura's always seemed to me to have less. I have one Sher with a lot. The Whizz Kid blade i have has a few.

I don't think I'd like to run my fingers down the edge, Brendan.
NO, I don't think I'll do that. Your question seems a little odd; 'gee, this blade has small side to side fluctuations in it, so if I do what I'm not supposed to anyway there's even more chance of getting cut. Is that fair?" You seem to ask....I'm just kidding, friend.

I think sharpening the blade will eventually take out most variations.

RUNNING FINGERS ALONG EDGE IS BLADESTURBATION................. BUT don't dig edge in!!!!:D :eek:
To me, this is just part of setting up a bevel. Once done, it just takes a swipw with a diamond hone to bring the edge back. Don't try it if you're unfamiliar with convex edges. it will even out eventually.
I don't suppose it EVER occured to you that you may have a rippled finger? Look closely, I'll bet there are little ridges and swirls on each of them.

(Don't be upset, it happens to a lot of us. There are only a few forumites who don't have finger ripples, and they removed them deliberately for..... er... uh.... personal reasons.)
All kidding aside,I just checked the four I have and one of them has a ripple or three on the edge.;)
Originally posted by JUSTRIGHT
RUNNING FINGERS ALONG EDGE IS BLADESTURBATION................. BUT don't dig edge in!!!!:D :eek:

LMRRAO!!!! hehehehehehehehe!!!!:D Goot Un Justright!!!!:D

Everyone's right. General sharpening will gradually remove the ripples.
If they're causing a problem then maybe some severe sharpenening is needed to begin with, which is what I would do if they were bothering me.

Rusty, my little Bro, Haven't you got a hold of that "Diamond Convex Edge Sharpener" yet?:rolleyes: ;) ;) ;) ;)
Whut ya waitin fer, hunh? :D
answers on this forum are like the answers you get from your mates when you ask a stupid question or like answers roque Uncles give.

gotta love it

thanls fellas

Originally posted by munk
OK, Yvsa, what is the diamond convex edge sharpener? Diamond rod?


Dayum Munk!!!!
I said that to get Brendan to bite, not anyone else.:D :o ;)

Some months back there was an old, Price Knife I think it was, outta San Francisco featured in Blade Magazine.
The old knife had a convex edge and had been maintained perfectly with same amounts of material removed from each side during sharpening.
This was done using old time hones as such as could be found back in those days.
I still maintain that we as humans try to analyze things too much at times.
The convex edge is easy to achieve, and to maintain, ifen we don't think on it to much and just let the hone or blade rock as we pull whichever one across the other.:)
You taught me just by the natural variance of your hand while attempting to maintain an angle you can produce a convex edge.
A knife expert maker, name I don't remember, said the only true way was with some device and another expert to do the sharpening. As people in Nepal don't have access to these experts or devices I'd just decided by using stones it was close enough, almost as in horseshoes. I'd followed your lead on buying sharpening stones in the past and thought, yes, Yvsa probably has found another one.

Did I fall? Sure. You know, I'm a pretty good dunce and make a good straight man many times.

I'm using an 8" diamond Eze Lap rod, and believe it or not, the flat side of a Spyderco Endura as a finishing steel.

As to your ripples/nipples question, Unc., you need to do like the oldtime safecrackers and sand the coarse skin off your fingertips and keep the tender skin left oiled and sensitive either way.
(posted by Rusty) you need to do like the oldtime safecrackers and sand the coarse skin off your fingertips and keep the tender skin left oiled and sensitive

And you know this how...?
Surely someone in Wisconsin can take you aside and explain what Bag Balm is for. Ain't you never stripped a cow's udder?