River City Sheaths

The question of Concealex/Kydex sheath makers comes up fairly often so I thought I'd share pics of some of the latest ones I've received from Mike Sastre. The first is a simple neck sheath for a Bob Dozier Canoe model with maple burl handle.

The original Dozier sheath is set up for cross draw belt carry & is just fine for that purpose. However, Bob's neck sheath for this model comes with a thumb release which I don't like. Mike's new sheath is exactly what I wanted -- It holds the knife very securely yet allows me to simply grab the handle & tug w/o having to align my hand just so in order to effect a release.

The next sheath is a MCS model that Mike made for my Greco Zipper.

I particluarly like the way Mike was able to form the sheath for a secure fit while still allowing ready access to the choil to facilitate the draw.

If you are looking for a top notch Concealex rig for one of your knives, you can't go wrong with one from Mike Sastre. It is no surprise that REKAT just picked Mike as the sheath maker for their new Pikuni model. Here's Mike's contact info:

Mike Sastre
River City Sheaths
707 Poplar Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
(513) 868-9680


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
Nov 7, 1999
Hey Brian....

Real nice work..
Everything I've seen of Mike's is High Calibre!!

Good Stuff..

ttyle Eric...

Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.
Hiya, Eric.

For folks who may not know his work, Eric also produces some very high quality sheaths, as typified by the MCS one he made for my Bauchop Alley Cat.


He who finishes with the most toys wins.

[This message has been edited by bcaffrey (edited 08-21-2000).]
Hey ,, Thanks Brian..

Appreciate that...

Ohh and BTW almost forgot to mention,, Mike.. Congrats on the REKAT contract..

That's a sweet looking knife, should make for a nice sheath..



Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.

[This message has been edited by Normark (edited 08-21-2000).]
I have second Mike's work. Well designed and always a perfect fit. Good for him and future Piluni owners on the REKAT deal.

AKTI #A000356
Thanks, guys, I really appreciate the kind words! The Pikuni is an outstanding little knife and I'm proud to be associated with names that stand for quality like REKAT and Simonich.


Nice sheath! It's no secret that I think you do excellent work also. Still interested in getting in a kayak?

Mike Sastre
River City Sheaths
Hey Mike...

Yaa no doubt on being associated.. That's a big step..

I'm also greatfull that we are building a friendship even though we are in the same business.. I guess really why not. Knifemakers do it all the time..

Sometimes Anyway.. LOL

As far as the Kayak goes,, Ohh ya,, I'm still interested,,just got alot on my plate right now,, and to top it off I'm going to start fordging,, or at least attempting to fordge LMAO....

Hopefully in the spring I'll be in a better position to get out and enjoy something like that..




Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.

Absolutely no reason we shouldn't build a friendship. We're both after the same thing - give the customer a sheath he can use with confidence and pride of ownership. Heck, there's more good knifemakers out there than there are good sheath makers. Then there's always the production sheaths that cry out "do something better".
I've been lucky enough to get some guidance and encouragement from Tim Wegner and the crew at BladeTech, and he told me a couple of years ago that there was plenty of room in this business. The situation hasn't changed! Looking forward to hooking up in person sometime soon. Take care, Bro'.

I also want to give A vote for Mike at River City Sheaths. When I get A knife I REALLY like it goes to Mike for A sheath. As A matter of fact I just got an e-mail from him, and he is finishing my latest sheath today! Woo Hoo! Thanks Mike! Brian

AKTI# A000991

Yes Very True..

Yup.. BT has been good to me as well..
Love the products and Won't use anything but.

As far as I'm concerned there isn't anything else but Concealex..

You work with it daily,, and know Exactly what I mean Eh..

Just got a chuck of this Haircell to try out...

One of these days well get together,, once my life gets back to some type of normality..

With twins though,, LMAO I'm not sure if that'll happen.. LOL

(Panic Attach Approaching)

ttyle Eric...

Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.

Those are some nice rigs you got there from Mike. I'd like to chime in with my support as well. I've got close to 10 of his neck sheaths for several Spydercos I have and he definitely does some top notch work. He's also a great guy to deal with!

AKTI Member # A000005
NC Knife Knuts Member
Living life "on the edge"