The question of Concealex/Kydex sheath makers comes up fairly often so I thought I'd share pics of some of the latest ones I've received from Mike Sastre. The first is a simple neck sheath for a Bob Dozier Canoe model with maple burl handle.
The original Dozier sheath is set up for cross draw belt carry & is just fine for that purpose. However, Bob's neck sheath for this model comes with a thumb release which I don't like. Mike's new sheath is exactly what I wanted -- It holds the knife very securely yet allows me to simply grab the handle & tug w/o having to align my hand just so in order to effect a release.
The next sheath is a MCS model that Mike made for my Greco Zipper.
I particluarly like the way Mike was able to form the sheath for a secure fit while still allowing ready access to the choil to facilitate the draw.
If you are looking for a top notch Concealex rig for one of your knives, you can't go wrong with one from Mike Sastre. It is no surprise that REKAT just picked Mike as the sheath maker for their new Pikuni model. Here's Mike's contact info:
Mike Sastre
River City Sheaths
707 Poplar Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
(513) 868-9680
He who finishes with the most toys wins.
The original Dozier sheath is set up for cross draw belt carry & is just fine for that purpose. However, Bob's neck sheath for this model comes with a thumb release which I don't like. Mike's new sheath is exactly what I wanted -- It holds the knife very securely yet allows me to simply grab the handle & tug w/o having to align my hand just so in order to effect a release.
The next sheath is a MCS model that Mike made for my Greco Zipper.
I particluarly like the way Mike was able to form the sheath for a secure fit while still allowing ready access to the choil to facilitate the draw.
If you are looking for a top notch Concealex rig for one of your knives, you can't go wrong with one from Mike Sastre. It is no surprise that REKAT just picked Mike as the sheath maker for their new Pikuni model. Here's Mike's contact info:
Mike Sastre
River City Sheaths
707 Poplar Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
(513) 868-9680
He who finishes with the most toys wins.