Rob Hudson Fighter

Feb 28, 2002
An elegant blade rendered in Hudson's definitive style - octagonal walnut handle, brass fittings and flowing lines. This blade also features a ghost-like wavy temper line that materializes into view when the light hits it just so, only to vanish again into the flawless satin finish. I had no hope of capturing that in the photographs, but trust me, it's there.


The flip side:


The handle:


Top and bottom photos were taken with helpful guidance by Murray White and using his most excellent light tent.


That was the one that showed up several times on eBay, correct? Robb says that it is special because it is the only one that has name & MS stamp on the same side of the blade. That was for an add or something.

Thanks for the comments guys. Keith - I'm not sure of the steel used, though I do recall reading somewhere that he uses primarily W1 and W2 for his carbon steel blades. Joss - yes, I got this one on E-Bay. Thanks for the additional info, I didn't know there was anything unique about the stamp. It's a really terrific knife - all it needs now is an equally terrific sheath. I'll have to give that some thought.


That is a beautiful knife, Hudson is one of my favorite makers. I saw the knife on ebay too, now I am kicking myself for not buying it :). Thanks for the pics,

Roger, I ogled that one myself, and at the time I didn't have the funds. You got a wonderful knife and whatever you paid, you got the best of the deal. I'm pleased for you. It is MUCH better looking now that you have a pro giving us a view at it!

Ebay is *sometimes* a treasure trove! :)

very nice, Rob makes very unique knives and is a great guy. One of the best, especially with the hammer in hand.
I will second what Win has said.That is a gorgous knife.One of the forumites has a wonderful site with a great many of Hudson's knives.Rob Hudson is a fine maker and a great person to talk with.He is top notch all the way.
Originally posted by Raj
One of the forumites has a wonderful site with a great many of Hudson's knives.

That would be Coop. He also has nice pics of other makers, BTW...

Thanks Joss.:) Rob is such a great man, but he is definitely a backwoods internet presence. I helped him by posting scans of his pics on my site and he can send a link to his customers. (FotoTime allows a link that can view ONLY what you want to show.)

For a good look at his knives and more, look in my sig line.

Interesting--this thread continues almost 3 years after it began. Just to show how things change, I have owned the piece for some considerable amount of time also.


Roger had a sheath made for the piece and later I acquired it in addition to many others. Fortunately for me, we have similar tastes and we spent another day today having fun doing some photos which I'm sure he will post shortly.
sure agree with that regarding the handle. This is the one thing I really like about Rob's knives--the unique handle construction. It has a real nice feel to it in the hand also besides looking so neat.