Robert Hankins Bowie

Feb 17, 1999
just got a nice delivery of this Bowie that I'd obtained via EBay. Very nice work on the knife and it is the second knife that I have, made by Robert Hankins.


OAL is 14 1/2" with a blade of 9 1/4" of 5160. The handle is stabilized Redwood burl with 416 SS guard and butt with brass accents.
The sheath which has been tooled completely front and back is extremely well made. Great package overall.
Very nice. I love Robert's work. He is fanatical about balance.I frequently find myself picking up my Moxie just to feel its heft.

-- Dizos
Great-looking bowie Murray, Robert does nice work. I like the studded treatment of the pommel. Did you say the sheath is tooled on both sides? That's something you don't see very often.


That is one nice Bowie. Extremely sleek lines and I love all the little touches this knife has, especially the way the butt cap is done.
thanks guys. The sheath is tooled everywhere and I got info from Robert that it is made by Jim Augustuson of Scottsdale, AZ who is the AZ Knifecollectors Assoc. President.

The treatment of the but is superb and the brass spacers are real nice touches. The sheat just matches the handle so well. Now I just have to figure out where to display it.