Rolling The Edge.......

Oct 3, 1998
I have suddenly (over the last few months) developed a problem.
I have a new Sharpmaker. I am suddenly rolling the edge of my blades, at the tip.
Especially while trying to sharpen my BM Ares.

I don't THINK I'm doing anything different.
And nothing seems wrong with the sharpener.

I am stumped. I have marked the edge with a black marker...done all the things I'm supposed to do.

Still, the tip of my Ares, about 3/4 of an inch in rounded off.

What the heck am I doing - & how do I fix it?!?!

Thanks for any help
Keeping the edge straight up and down, rotate the point downwards when you reach the end of the stroke. With the tip pointing forward when you start the stroke, have it pointing straight down by the time it reaches its turn on the honing rod. It will take a while to undo the initial damage (rounded tip), especially since going light is needed with this way of using the Sharpmaker.
That advice sounds even smarter than what I was doing!

A nice cop-out, though, it to only buy blades with little to no belly like sheepsfoot and wharncliffe blades. Say, a 550 Griptillian and 921 Switchback. ;)