RR: BM Auto Stryker

Oct 11, 1998
Does anyone already has expirience with theese nice toys?
And does anyone know of a dealer who is allowed to send theese international (which seems a bit of a problem in the US, over here everybody is allowed to carry autos)?
Thanks for the info
Hello Michael,

On a recent foray to the KnifeCenter warehouse, I got to examine a small bunch of these knives. As per Benchmade, they are very well made - the entire knife feels very solid and has quite a bit of heft to it because of the aluminum handles. The action is crisp, with a little bit of recoil when the blade slams against the stop pin. One thing that I noticed that disappointed me a little was the serrations on the ones I examined - both of the satin finish and BT2 varieties - were not sharp at all IMO, but the plain edges were shaving sharp. One thing I would like to point out in comparision to the G-10 handled manual action versions: grip comfort. Though the two have identical handle shapes, the Auto Stryker's handle is curved on the edges, making the grip a little less harsh than the boxy edges on the manual version. The safety on the Auto Stryker - very similar to that on the 3500 Pardues with the sliding button design. Something that I have noticed on the Auto Strykers is that the safety is a bit sensitive (I guess this is good!) in that in order to depress the release button, the switch needs to be pulled back all the way. Sometimes it appears that the button is slid all the way back, but the button cannot be depressed, slide it back until you cannot anymore. Overall, very nice auto of a manual design and performance wise, is identical to the manual Stryker.

As to who ships autos internationally, you might want to try the <a href="http://www.knifecenter.com">KnifeCenter of the Internet</a>. You still will have to provide some ID, though. Hope this info helps!

Hi Dexter,
thanks for the info, but are you sure about the knifecenter? In their Auto Index Page they state that they won´t ship Autos internationally, so I asked here. (The Knifecenter was also the only dealer I found theese so far). Any further tips are very welcome.
Try The Knifeshop in Austria,they just started carrying Benchmade products.Their address is www.knifeshop.com/auto/indexe.html
This should get you on the right track.Ken
Michael - I apologize for the misinformation. Looks like I stabbed myself in the foot with that one
Then, I think you may be better off with purchasing the knife from a retailer closer to you. You're welcome for the info, glad I can be of service to you.
No problem Dexter, I will accept your appologie when you send me your test BM9100S. Very nice of me, isn´t it?

Thanks for the pointer seems as if I found at least a company who is able to import to Europe.

By the way, the German retailers suck. Asides from having prices which are between 200 - 300% above the US prices, they usually don´t have any idea about the latest knews. The a.m. toys were unheard of in Germany.

