S.F. Knife Show

May 18, 1999
How many of you bladeforumers got a chance to go to the SF knife show this weekeend? I thought it was a pretty good show. I got to meet a lot of nice people including Jim O'Young from Speed-Tech and after handling the Synergy I can say it is one fine knife. Time to start saving my pennies if I want one. I was able to pick up a couple of Japanese kitchen knives and a Kershaw Whirlwind. My first impression of the Whirlwind is that it is pretty solid, no blade play and it locks up well and it does open fast, any other opinions?
Goto the Community forum for details, it's on tomorrow (Sunday) too.

Jim March
Made it there for the last hour. They had just cleared out the ticket table, so they let me in for free.
I wasn't planning to get a Speed Tech until next year, but what the heck, I like the red and gold splash pattern.
Oh yeah, not a good idea to go by the SpeedTech table. Budget? What budget?
Exellent show. There were many famous makers there, and most were happy to mingle with us. Anderson Hogstrom (don't know how to get the oomlat in there
) shared some fascinating tales with me, and unfortunately for my wallet, a gorgious knife also. A good show with a great atmosphere.
