S!K fastener compatability question - new gen vs old/current gen

I haven't done too many swaps, but I can definitely see where it's easy to mar the slotted fasteners. I think I'll do the 3.5 next. The 10 doesn't see too much use on game other than chopping off turkey legs, so not as much gunk to worry about there :)
Dang, just screwed up a post while trying to retrofit the 3.5 and had to order another set, d'oh! I sure like how they came out on the 4.1 though, and the 3.5 is going to be pretty sweet I think.

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The torx do look nice, kind of like difference between a regular pin and a mosaic.
Sort of, in the right light.
I do like the nice even look of the torx. They set down so easily in the micarta of the 4.1, just like Psybull described. I didn't get so lucky on the G10 of the 3.5. I don't know if it's just the rigidity of the material, but I did have to touch the factory-drilled holes with the spotting drill in order to get the torx fasteners to set in where I was satisfied.

Also, a note on the 3.5. The fasteners for the new model 5.1 are three different lengths. If you're going to retrofit an existing 3.5 with these, use the shortest fastener in the hole nearest the blade, and the middle-sized fastener in the other. Both of these require a small amount of material to be ground off the post in order for the screws to tighten up, like Psybull describes with the middle screw and post in the 4.1.

Since the rear post of the existing 3.5 fastener and the shortest post of the 5.1 fasteners are the same length, I tried to use it in the rear hole of the 3.5. I did this thinking I would only have to grind one post shorter instead of grinding a little bit off two posts. What I didn't realize is that the female portion of each of the 5.1 posts are recessed in different depths, so cutting down the middle-length 5.1 fastener and trying to make it fit the front hole of the 3.5 didn't allow the screw to thread down far enough into the post before bottoming out. Should have been easy peasy, I had to go and make it difficult. Just use the short fastener in the front, and the medium fastener in the rear and it goes fine. Hopefully this will keep someone else from doing the same.
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Yea, so I ordered a pair of the GSO-5.1 Fasteners in Black Oxide hoping to replace the Tumbled Fasteners that seems to come with the GSO-4.7 Cru Forge V Ugly Betty that I recently ordered.

I thought black would look better; hard to really tell until I get them both in hand.

Just got the shipping notice, so stayed tuned for an update...
So I got my 4.7 Cru Forge V Ugly Betty today along with the new spec black 5.1 fasteners.

The front and middle swapped out no problem; I had to file the back one down a bit, but not a big deal. I just used a bastard file to do it.

See my picture post for a look.
So I got my 4.7 Cru Forge V Ugly Betty today along with the new spec black 5.1 fasteners.

The front and middle swapped out no problem; I had to file the back one down a bit, but not a big deal. I just used a bastard file to do it.

See my picture post for a look.

Nice job on the 4.7, it looks good! And it looks like most of these swaps can be accomplished with a bit of modification where necessary.

After my little fiasco with the 3.5, Ellie got me hooked up with some 4.1 fasteners that worked perfect......

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That 3.5 almost looks like a new spec knife HK!
Your FK should be here too!

Thanks bud :) I guess I could post the field knife here where it's helpful instead of just using it to tease Silver in the other thread :D


I know there's a lot of crossover here, so if anyone decides to try that swap, you're definitely going to need the 5/16 spotting bit. The depth of countersink and angle of shoulder are totally different between the new gen S!Ks and Nathan's FK, so the S!K torx fasteners will set too proud of the fk scale without setting the proper depth and shoulder into the scale. Still pretty easy to do on a drill press.

Also, the FK fasteners fit pretty well in the old gen GSO 4.1's if a person gets in a pinch for fasteners. This may not be too helpful unless the old gen hardware goes out of availability at some point, but logging it in here for reference.

I'm glad we can tease each other bud. BTW, your 'no rush' stick-poke was not lost on me in the heads up thread :D

I'm glad I went ahead and swapped for black fasteners on the one above. It was the right call I think.

I know you're a busy guy, but people want to know :)

You already have one solid documentation of a chop off under your belt. Spring may be the perfect time for round two!
I know you're a busy guy, but people want to know :)

You already have one solid documentation of a chop off under your belt. Spring may be the perfect time for round two!

There's nothing I'd like better actually :)

But I've got a big anniversary coming up, so I'm going to have to move some steel. And the LC is still unused.......... :(
Resistance is futile! :D

Were you able to get away with just snugging them into the micarta?

I might have to add these to the Necker 2 and 7/7 now!
I only had issues with the center stud. I ended up taking a 16th or so off of it with a sander.
I might have to add these to the Necker 2 and 7/7 now!
I only had issues with the center stud. I ended up taking a 16th or so off of it with a sander.

Nice! The 5.1 fasteners are fitting a lot of models with some very light modification. Looks great!