S30V Sheared From Plate?

Aug 31, 1999
Have any of you had problems using S30V that has been sheared from plate? I thinking about ordering some for a supplier that has other materials I need, but I don't want to do it if there are problems with the steel being sheared. Does Crucible sell it in hot rolled bar or do they shear it also? Thanks.
Andy, The last S30V I got from Crucible looked like it was sheared, but I have not had any problems. Any company that does a real volume such as Crucible is probably going to shear all they can. It would make a difference if the steel was not a good clean shear, I would think, because of the stress created. Hope this helps a little.
Andrew, I just went and looked at my CPM metals and I always assumed they were just cut off but it does look like it was sheared off. Kinda makes sense I guess, saves time and money. I usually dont near the edges anyway so for me it doesnt really matter. I rockwell all my blades and havent seen anything that looks out of the ordinary.
What kind of problems?

As far as I can see that is the only way you can get it, as they make it in sheet form.
Thanks for the information guys.

Tom, I remember a thread a while back about sheared ATS-34 being more likely to warp, and if memory serves something about unusual grain when finished. Just wondering if any of this is real. I know you can get S90V in bar stock. I wonder why S30V isn't available in this form?

Sheared it is!