I just had one of those, "I can't believe you did that" conversations.
Brian E sent me an EDI Genesis on a trade....in part because he could never get used to how there was that 'lump' protruding into the finger cutout on the right hand scale to protect the liner lock.
It arrived, I saw, I handled, and since I wanted to keep it for a utility folder, the first thing I did was to head to the shop and unlimber the roto-tool and diamond bit and shave away 2/3 of the offending 'lump', and trim enough off the face of the lock so that it was still protected by what I left of the scale. I then cut a couple of small notches in the liner so it would afford a better finger purchase to release the lock.
It still opens fine, and locks solid, with no apparent loss of structural rigidity. And ita actually comfortable for me to hold in my usual grip, instead of fighting my way around the 'lump'. The warrantee guys probably wouldn't be too pleased if I ever sent it to them.
My question is, have you ever modified a knife you got there, and just how far would you go, or how expensive a knife would you 'modify' to suit yourself?
have dremel, will travel
Brian E sent me an EDI Genesis on a trade....in part because he could never get used to how there was that 'lump' protruding into the finger cutout on the right hand scale to protect the liner lock.
It arrived, I saw, I handled, and since I wanted to keep it for a utility folder, the first thing I did was to head to the shop and unlimber the roto-tool and diamond bit and shave away 2/3 of the offending 'lump', and trim enough off the face of the lock so that it was still protected by what I left of the scale. I then cut a couple of small notches in the liner so it would afford a better finger purchase to release the lock.
It still opens fine, and locks solid, with no apparent loss of structural rigidity. And ita actually comfortable for me to hold in my usual grip, instead of fighting my way around the 'lump'. The warrantee guys probably wouldn't be too pleased if I ever sent it to them.
My question is, have you ever modified a knife you got there, and just how far would you go, or how expensive a knife would you 'modify' to suit yourself?
have dremel, will travel