new d-2 arclite sheath....

Jul 29, 2002
I had ordered the d-2 arclite from ag russell. I received it in the mail yesterday and to my disappointment someone had inserted the knife wrong and cut the top of the kydex sheath. I could send it back, but the knife has great grind lines and no scratches. Im really unhappy about this, and torn. Im sure it wasnt done on purpose, but someone did not pay attention. :(
e-mail Will. Their customer service is GREAT. I got a replacement sheath for my talonite Talon. It took an e-mail or two but HE will get you fixed up ! :D
I did call cust srv at Camillus. she said that she would look into finding me a sheath. She wasnt sure if she could since it was an ag russell exclusive. I did look at the sheath from my old 420 arclite. I compared both knives and found the d-2 model was slightly thicker. also the sheath on the d-2 model has rivets at the place where the chain goes through. also I noticed the openings for the knives on both sheaths were slightly different. The one for the d-2 model has a "slightly" wider opening for the blade. I did not want to force my new one into the old she and mess it up. Aside for the fact that I bought this knife to keep (collection). I wanted everything to be original. well I hope she can find another one. The knife is good though, no scratches, bad lines, ect. I just wish the sheath was a snice!!!
If this sheath doesnt work out well for you;send the knife back to ag russell and include a letter saying you want robert (me) to do a hand pick. ill find one thats cherry for you.
I wish I had seen the thread last night before I sent my others back!!

I had ordered two of the d-2 edcs also when I ordered the d-2 acrlite. I ended up sending them back to ag russell last night in the mail. The clips had gaps between the tips and the handles (loose). On one of them the lock went all the way to the right when engaged, and when engaged there was some vertical blade play (a little). I knew that over time the play would get worse as the knives were locked, and unlocked (with use) so I knew it needed to be sent back. The other one was too loose to clip to your pocket. Well sometimes you win, sometimes you loose!! I did send both back so hoepfully they will be replaced with better ones. The prices were good on those for what they are (d-2 ect.), but They definitely needed to be replaced.
well :( !!!