SAK One hander


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Oct 3, 1998
I saw this knife mentioned here in the forums (I think). I called a few places around here to see if they had it. I finally found one at a local dealer called the Gadget Company.

Anyways, its kind of a "Spyderco meets SAK" knife, you get the best of both worlds. I like a one hander for ease of use, but also a Swiss-Army for the "stuff" it has. Lately I have gotten to the point where I like to carry one knife and can never decide between a one hander or SAK. This knife solves the problem of coosing.

The main blade has a hole in it for opening (like Spyderco) and is about 3/4 serrated starting at the tip. The knife also has a saw, can and bottle openers / screwdrivers, an awl and a phillips screwdriver along with the usual toothpick and tweezers.

Fit and finish is typical of Victorinox SAK's, which is to say that it may not always be perfect, but it is very good and always surprises me with the high quality I get for relatively little money.

The blade is locked open with a liner lock. The other end of the liner will lock open the screwdriver. The main blade has very slight up and down play when locked open, but seems very secure for the knifes intended use.

I really have not had much chance to use it, but having used many SAKs heavily before, I am confident that this will serve very well as my one EDC to cover both one hand opening and utility.

Here is a pic of it if you have not seen this model before.


If for some reason the pic does not show up, here is a link you can copy and paste into a new window.