SAK q's...............

May 12, 2001
have an old ranger swiss army knife, and need the tweezers and toothpick, would this model be the large or small ones?? also, where can i get the little screwdriver that screws into the cork screw on the knife?? looked on 1SKS and they didnt seem to have the pick or the cork screw driver, and large/small tweezers, so.........

thanks a bunch for any info!!

If you live near a large scale retailer, an EMS or something like that, they usually have some in a little box tucked in their display or something... They usually sell them for a few dollars apiece.
I believe used to stock tweezers, toothpics and little screwdrivers for SAKs.
you can ge them directly from swiss army brands and they are fairly cheap. I ordered some parts last year and they sent me a whole order form for all their parts. The prices were the same, if not cheaper than buying them from a retailer.