sak rucksack

Jul 29, 2002
I first bought a sak rucksack when I was staioned at Rheinmain ab in frankfurt germany in the late 80's, early 90's. Since then I havent carried one, and the one I had I sold about 10 yeras ago. Well i saw one for a decent price and thought it would be nice to carry one again. Well it seems Im going back to the world of sj's and lockbacks!!!:)

Perhaps a fellow Air Force alum???

I spent my time in an EIG unit out of Griffiss AFB in Rome NY in the late 80's.

Anyway, I own several SAKs, but haven't carried one for years either. They got to feeling bulky in my pocket, so I got thinner ones, and eventually phased them out of my EDC rotation. I still find them extremely useful, and have a couple in my hiking gear. I also picked up a few nice used ones on EBAY.

I always liked the beating they took, the edge, and the steel was fairly easy to keep clean. The toothpick was my favorite, however.:D

When you say 'going back to the world of sj's and lockbacks', what do you mean?
For the last 7 years or so Ive used nothing, but one handers. Last year and two before that I started to make one handers. Then I started going tback to carrying mostly slip joints. The I started making Indian primitive trade knives. It took a while, but I started to get burnt out on one handers. I still like to ocassionally carry one, but latley its mostly been slip joints.

I was stationed at Rheinmain, little rock.

Started out at lackland of course, went to chanute for tech school (now gone of course). Spent 6 months in Desert shield/storm. Got out on disability in 1996 on a 4t disability.
Props to you for your wartime service. I spent 6 total months at Lackland, including my tech school. It was certainly more fun once out of Basic.

I never have got into tacticals and such. Guess I'm kind of an old dog that you can't teach new tricks to.:grumpy: I much more prefer older folders. Besides, traditonal folders don't usually make old ladies wet themselves when you take them out...
lol Glenn!!!! when i got remarried two years ago I kept all of my knife collection, and hunting guns in the bedroom. She complained and said she could'nt sleep looking at them and knowing they were in there. So after a couple months, maybe longer (cant quite remember) the Lord told me to move the to our spare bedroom. Well I did and she was afine after that. That gave me more room for knives (shame on me).
Ive gottent o where I like to carry a smaller knife....hince...back to slipjoints. Right now I carry a sak timekeeper. Nothing like a knife and a watch alll in one!!!!

With things going on right now overseas my heart goes out to our people.