Salem Show?

Aug 25, 2002
Fill me in on the details when, where, Who and what's going to be there. I went to the Nwkc web site no data there. On the okc sit i found the show date but no details. I would like to go look around there for a day. Cant afford to stay overnight....
I went to the show last year, wasn't at all impressed with it. Ed Fowler was there and I asumming he'll be there again this year. I'll be meeting Wayne Goddard there but he's just going just to look. Bruce and Bruce will both be there but not sure who else will be there. Real small show in general......Ray
The reason it looks small is that they ONLY allow vendors(makers) of handmade custom knives. It has a tremendous amount of talent present. We spend a ton of money there every year. It usually takes a full day to get a good view of whats available. Two days if you ask a lot of questions or are meeting old friends.
I assume you mean the Winston-Salem show. North Carolina Knifemakers Guild Show.
Enjoy, Ken
PS: The Mark Adams hotel is expensive, but for a vendor, the tunnel to the convention center makes moving around painless.
Ken, The other coast, Salem, Oregon. You had me confused big time.

When is the Winston-Salem Show? I'd like some information on it. Do you know if it is booked up?
This show is in Salem Oregon this weekend on Jan. 11 & 12 at the Reed Opera House-Downtown Salem 189 Liberty St NE (exit 253 off I-5)

Ive never been to it but have high hopes. Please come and meet me and Bruce Evans. I have a new Pistol/Folder to check out too.
Last years Salem show was one of my favorites. There were a great many antique blades available at supremely reasonably prices. Custom knives were also well represented. There is a lot of knowledge at that show, David Petty is a man I have a lot of respect for, a few minutes talking to him and I learned more about the knife industry than any other source I have found. He knows antique blades well, if any of you see him there say Hi for me. He is unequaled in Historical knife Knowledge. Bill Claussen is one of our top dealers, honest and fine gentleman.
I deeply regret that I can't make it this year, I will be there next year. The Salem Show is a place to learn and if you keep your eyes open an opoortunity.

If any of you are planning on dealing in knives, Bills crew set a fine example to follow.
Sorry about that.
The Winston-SALEM show for the North Carolina Guild is September 6-7, 2003.
Custom handmade only. Tommy Mcnab is the one to talk to about space.
They sell out early but keep a list. I suspect if you get with him, you can get in.
Enjoy, ken