Salt 2 vs. Native 5 Salt

Dec 11, 2021
I've been looking at the Salt series knives with 3" blades and both the Salt 2 H1 and Native 5 Salt (LC200N) have piqued my interest. Both are lockback, and the Salt 2 appears to be a Delica with a different blade steel and handle color. Biggest ergo difference would be the N5S has a finger choil and has a wider handle. The Salt 2 has completely blacked-out hardware, which I assume is for corrosion resistance, whereas the Native Salt has all hardware blacked out except for the lockback bar. Does anyone know if the N5S's lockback bar is also LC200N steel? If not, that seems like an Achilles heel for corrosion. Also, both photos are from Spyderco's website, is the N5S really a deeper yellow or is that just a photo artifact? Also is there a big difference between H1 and LC200N?


Yes the lockbars are also rustproof.

The yellows are slightly different as well.

Searching for H1 vs lc200n is worth your time because there's a lot of talk out there already.
I don't know what size hands you have, but you mention the wider handle of the N5. I have large hands and personally have found no issue with the size or shape of the Salt 2 knives that I have--a PE in LC200N and an SE in H1. I do not have an N5.
Looked into it, appears LC200N has slightly better edge retention and somewhat less corrosion resistance. Not a bad trade-off.
I have both a N5 LC200 PE and absolutely love it. I also have a S2 H1 SE & a S2 LC200 PE. Out of the 3 I prefer the Native, but the S2 LC200 is a close second.

LC200 is way better than H1 in PE edge retention and corrosion on LC200 is almost non existing. Never had a rust spot on Lc200 and had plenty contact with salt water.

The native is more of a marigold yellow and the salt is more of a neon, there is also the neon green option but remember you can also make it basically any shade darker than those just be careful of bleeding with future water exposure.
I have a few of them that get wet from the Pacific and have ZERO rust issues