SAR Pattern

Nov 12, 2005
What format or plan does SAR teams use when looking for lost hikers in the woods or open land? Based on this, what are the best locations to try and put yourself in, to assist with being located?
SAR use a few type of methods which are different for places to places and condition.

For example out at sea, they use ships, helichopter, spotter plane. They do a expanding spiral or box pattern keeping in mind the current, wind strength, wave pattern. They start from the last point of contact and start to look outwards in a spiral movement. It will continue until you are found. they might also change pattern untill you are found. For woods they deploy trackers or dogs to work they follow your trail till you are found if they lost your trail, they will use a few methods to find out the trail again.

The best location to be found is that if you know you are lost is STOP, keep clam and think would it be better if you continue to move or would it be better to set up camp and wait. If you do not know where you are just settle down and wait. You can also help searchers by leaving things to set up a trail even a blind man can follow. It can also help if you get to higher grounds or plant a flag there it help searchers if they use a spotter plane. If you are lost, keep in mind that you will be found just stay put and wait for rescue unless the situation state otherwise.

However if it is at sea, best place to be is close to where the mothership has sunk or even better is not to abadon ship it is up to the captian's decission. All you need to do is to notify someone how long will you be gone and what to do if you have not return.

This is all i know but it should help a bit. If there are any mistakes please forgive me this are all i read before but cannot find any supporting evidence. sorry in advance.
In Washington State we essentially use 3 'types' of seaching:

Type I: "Hasty Search" Highly mobile, well equipped and seasoned searchers checking high probability areas... emphasis on speed, assumes a responsive subject.

Type II: "Efficient Search" Usually (but not always) 3 searchers; 1 navigator and 2 flankers "meaningfully wandering," guiding off the navigator covering an assigned area...

Type III: "Grid Search" Used as a last resort; line 'em up, and carefully cover the terrain. Often used as in an evidence search, sometimes hands-and-knees, shoulder-to-shoulder methodical search...

If lost: Stay put. Protect yourself from the environment (clothing, shelter, fire). Signal (whistle, mirror flashes, smoke, etc.)

Support Search and Rescue: Get Lost!! :D
In Washington State we essentially use 3 'types' of seaching:

Type I: "Hasty Search" Highly mobile, well equipped and seasoned searchers checking high probability areas... emphasis on speed, assumes a responsive subject.

Type II: "Efficient Search" Usually (but not always) 3 searchers; 1 navigator and 2 flankers "meaningfully wandering," guiding off the navigator covering an assigned area...

Type III: "Grid Search" Used as a last resort; line 'em up, and carefully cover the terrain. Often used as in an evidence search, sometimes hands-and-knees, shoulder-to-shoulder methodical search...

If lost: Stay put. Protect yourself from the environment (clothing, shelter, fire). Signal (whistle, mirror flashes, smoke, etc.)

Support Search and Rescue: Get Lost!! :D

You Beat me to it :D

Also try to stay near trails if you can A hasty search often uses existing trail systems. "Travel aids" such as roads, traills, and strem beds are always likley spots to find somone or for someone to find you.

As stated earlier signal if you can. Make a fire, smoke, a marker visible from the sky, hang brightly colored or reflective materials, The goal is to make yourself as Big and obvious as possible.
hey guys, stupid question I know but if you come to a logging area, as in in the middle of one and can't see a road out, which way do you go? Do you go the way the stumps are pointing, or against them. ( this is for some of the newer hikers and hunters out there)
First of all, let someone responsible know when you are going to be back and have them alert the police when you don't arrive.
When you are late coming back we usually start at your last known position and try to follow your trail. A good idea is to leave a boot print in aluminum foil with someone so SAR will know which print to follow. Also, leave a sheet of paper on your dash saying where you are going. This way the trackers can know which trails to avoid.

Doing these things before you get lost will really speed up your recovery. Also, like was said once you realize you are lost stay put.
