SAR4 and Fire Steel (movie file)


Biscuit Whisperer
Super Mod
Mar 15, 2000
I no longer worry about my SAR4 in conjunction with a fire steel.

Some folks lamented the lack of a squared off butt or choil, fearing the knife would not be a good striker for a fire steel (and because they did not want to use the blade edge). Well, I got to looking at my striker today (see pic), and with its corrugated edges, it put me in mind of the SAR4 thumb notches. So I gave the notches a shot.


At first, I was angling the knife a little too much over the steel, and I only got a smattering of sparks. However, once I got smart and laid the spine/notches nearly flat against the steel, I got an extremely impressive shower of sparks. Better than the striker produces in fact.

It's tornado season here in TN, and I didn't want to go out and start a fire in the current downpour. However, I did capture with my camera a quick movie clip of two strikes with the knife and firesteel. Behold.

Any discoloration or "burn" marks on the knife?

Yes, some slight discoloration, as I expected. Most everything wiped off, except for a small line burnt next to one of the notches. Might buff that out at some point.

However, I now know I can use this knife in a pinch and get an excellent spark shower. As I said in another thread, when I go afield, I carry a mini Bic and fireproof matches as well as a steel with striker. I'd have to lose the Bic, matches, and striker before I'd likely use my knife as a striker for the fire steel.

Edited to add:

Rain's tapered off, so I took the knife out to my workshop (where I shot that stellar video footage), slapped some Flitz on the notches/spine, and hit it with a buffing wheel on the Dremel. The burn line buffed right out.

We had a pretty big limb down in the driveway (we were lucky; they're showing a house that had a car tossed through it on the news right now), and so I chopped with the SAR4 a bit on my way back into the house. It is actually a decent chopper for its size and made quick work of a smaller 2-inch limb. With that handle profile, you can let it slide down in your grip and get more torque on the chops. Reminds me a little of the original Ratweiler in that respect.

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Thanks for the update.
I dont worry about marks on a knife Im gonna use,
but did wonder.
I used a cheap knife to strike a firesteel once and
the knife had burn marks all over the place.
These were pitted burn marks that would never come out.
Cheap steel I imagine.
Anyway,thanks again.
A helpful soul PM'ed me and noted that I am pushing the knife rather than pulling the fire steel in the above video. As he put it, the pull technique provides "Less chance of knocking your tinder aside that way. Plus it lets you direct the spark flow a bit easier."

Duly noted. I've read about the pull technique before but just haven't practiced it to the point that it's second-nature. I've usually just been aiming at a vaseline soaked cotton ball that is spread out wide, and just about any drunk can hit that. :p

However, my PM'er certainly presented a valid critique and information that is worth passing along. Perhaps this fellow was too considerate to criticize the video publicly, but I don't mind calling foul on myself.
most guys don't use the "pull technique" just the opposite, thanks for the hint, i'll try it.

should have tried it about three times when i was younger...
Guyon, your video proves what I posted the day I got my SAR4, it can throw fireworks if need be off the spine gimping! So whoever asked or complained about this knife's lack of ability to do so in another thread, here's your video proof!

I always have used just the pull the firesteel technique because it does not disturb your fire tinder. Glad to hear that folks are spreading the message.
Did he put it bluntly and say
or was he very sensitive to your feelings?

Oh, he just PM'ed me and said "YOU SUCK!" All of the above is just my interpretation of what I think he meant. :p

most guys don't use the "pull technique" just the opposite, thanks for the hint, i'll try it.

should have tried it about three times when i was younger...

Think of the money you could have saved and spent on knives. :eek:

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OK, why is this some 27 second vid of the NCAA party or something??? I think some guy has an INDUCT SAR4 sign tho.

OK, I hit refresh and got it to work. Whew.
the INFI certainly throws dem dare sparx!

i have a modified GW, and WOW will she throw'em when used w/ a firesteel...
cool vid idea.;)
OK, why is this some 27 second vid of the NCAA party or something??? I think some guy has an INDUCT SAR4 sign tho.

Dennis, you been eatin' those funny mushrooms again? :D

91xlt, do you have many burn marks on your GW from striking the firesteel? Just curious about how INFI holds up as a striker over time.