• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Saturday Night!!!!!!!!! What Is Everyone Doing????????????


Staff member
Mar 8, 2006
Hey All.................I hope that everyone is having a great Saturday night..............BUT.......................WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU DRINKING???????????????????????????? I was under the weather last week my new year kinda sucked.....(FLU STINKS)......so I am celebrating tonight and who better to celebrate with but you all......COSMOS....are going down very nicely fellas :) :) :) ROCK ON!!!!:) :)
I'm imagining what the #95 FBMLE is going to look like;)
(In all fairness, the mail is very slow in my neck of the woods.)
"Picked a bad day to quit drinking"
GOooooooooooooooooooooo AMY!!!

I know that I have missed hearing from you and am sorry that you have not been feeling well. Must be ALL that work that the boss is piling on you!!

Have a great night and Happy New Year!!!
Glad you'r feeling better, I'm taste testing a new batch of "shine" it's a little harsh so I going to cut it somemore.
Wondering where my INFI is!!!! LOL... Hello, {{{{{{AMY-0}}}}}!!!! :D :D :thumbup: What's the GOOD WORD??? "How YOU Doin'?" (In my best 'Joey' impersonation... :D )
Drinkin' Sam Adams Brown Ale, watchin' Kill Bill 2, readin' posts, AS and SW in front of me... :)
Working,watching football and posting here.


Who's winning???????????/ I thought the only good football game is on MONDAY NIGHT????????????

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must have given it to me! I feel like chyt right now. I didn't think it could be transferred via posts!
Just hangin out here at the forum, no new infi love here today, so I'm fondling my LMS, drooling over all the FBM pic's.
I am watching the Great Raid,drinking a Wendy's root beer from dinner, and fondling a new FBM that arrived today :) All in all a very pleasurable night!!!
You... Are NOT allowed to get SICK any more THIS YEAR... Please???!! Ya better make it to BLADE, Hon! :thumbup: :D :D Seriously, I'm glad that U R feelin' better! :) I got my kicks out on some INFI earlier, check my thread with pix... it's the one about beating my Mistress. LOL Ha!

GOooooooooooooooooooooo AMY!!!

I know that I have missed hearing from you and am sorry that you have not been feeling well. Must be ALL that work that the boss is piling on you!!

Have a great night and Happy New Year!!!

No the Boss Man was not piling work on me it was the crazy X-mas that we HAD(not my choice) to Have last Friday night and my crazy sister in-law decided to bring her kids (who I Luv so much) to my house with 102 fevers and the FLU.......I got it............IT SUCKED ( I was praying for the sweet relief of death) got thru it........................and I am Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flu hath no fury when Amy-0 misses work...............WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO........BTW A big THANKS to Kendra for helping out last week when I was gone!!!!!!! (She went above the call of duty)
Glad you'r feeling better, I'm taste testing a new batch of "shine" it's a little harsh so I going to cut it somemore.

SHARE...................:thumbup: Please do not go blind!!!!
I am watching the Great Raid,drinking a Wendy's root beer from dinner, and fondling a new FBM that arrived today :) All in all a very pleasurable night!!!

Funny... I'm fondling a Truck Chopper... who made this??? ;);) :D :thumbup: ...And a HOGFSHLE!!! ( I gotta remember what FORUM i'm in!!, LOL)
OK, we always hear about what folks are drinkin late on a Sat night. But for the most part what are the HOGS favorite Bev of choice. I will start, for me a big tall cold glass of milk. Drunk or sober (yea right) can't be beat.