Sayoc Kali Seminar in NH!

Apr 26, 2000
Hello Everyone,

The Bujinkan Dojo of Manchester, will be hosting Tuhon Christopher Sayoc for an intensive two day seminar in Sayoc Kali. This is a rare event, the family head of the Sayoc Kali system will be sharing the Stick fighting tactics of Sayoc Fighting Systems, and Blade tactics and Projectiles of Sayoc Kali. Don’t miss the opportunity to train with this notable Kali Master.

Tuhon Chris Sayoc, of Sayoc Kali, is a man who has been involved with the Filipino martial arts since he was a young child. His family art of using the blade has been passed down through 4 generations with a heavy influence on the art, from both his paternal and maternal grandfathers. While Mr. Sayoc was fortunate to have encountered and trained with many masters of the Filipino martial arts, today, he focuses strictly on promoting his own family system.

Seminar Information

Date: February 22nd and 23rd
Time: Saturday 12:00 – 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am – 3:00 pm

Location: Bujinkan Dojo
250 Commercial St, Suite 2008
Manchester, NH, 03101
Call for more information: (603) 668-3181

Cost: Single day = $80.00 prepaid before 2/15/03
$90.00 at the door
Both Days = $160.0 prepaid before 2/15/03
$180.0 at the door
“Cash or Money orders only”(made out to Bujinkan Dojo, LLC)

Call for Special Group Rate

“Please bring at least 2 aluminum training knives, Kali/Escrima sticks, and comfortable training attire.”

Please visit our website at,
or for more information regarding Sayoc Kali,
Just refreshing this entry. It should be an excellent seminar (the others I've attended have been).