Schick Injector

Apr 5, 2009
I tried using a Schick Injector that I got off of ebay once, but I could never do it without cutting myself. I think that the gap between the blade and the blade guard was bent, because I could literally not figure out how to use that thing. Has anyone here else used these? If so what have your experiences been? What model were you using?
Funny you ask about these I just found one at the inlaws. Looks like it was never used it even has some cardboard still stuck to it under the head. It has a blade in it but I don't think I'm willing to try an old blade that has been around for so long.
The blades are still for sale I think, you should be able to find refills on Amazon.
Injector's give a superb shave even for the untrained. They take even less skill than a doubledge. I can still find "schick" brand injector blades at some local grocery stores.....they are good, i also have to ted pella blades that are awesome. I have several injectors, but i normally go back to my adjustable. I would have never even gotten into injectors had i not badgered my great grandmother about old razors and she dug several up. One of them being an injector like this.

If you can snag one that looks decent, i say go for...they can be had off ebay for a few bucks. And they shave darn good.
My dad has one of those, has ever since i was little. says its the only thing he can use without it clogging up... He can still get blades, but its tricky.
My dad has one of those, has ever since i was little. says its the only thing he can use without it clogging up... He can still get blades, but its tricky.

Google ted pella. They have some pretty good blades, the only draw back is that you have to order them i think in packs of 20 or so. I can't remember i'm still stocked pretty well since my last order.
I am able to still get injector razor blades where I live. I feel the injectors are very fine razors.