School Officials do right

CJ Buck

Apr 15, 1999
I got a call from a guy in Duluth Georgia. It seems he and his 17 year old son do search and rescue work.

His son got nailed last november for carrying one of our knives (the Crosslock)onto school grounds by mistake. The school board expelled him and the state of Georgia charged him with a felony weapons charge.

The father asked me to write him a letter talking about what the knife was designed to do and the spec sheet for the knife.

I just got another letter thanking me for my letter and saying the school board had dropped their case against the young man allowing him to be able to graduate on schedule.

They are still waiting for the court date on the felony charge with the state of Georgia.

I was heartened that school officials in this case acted intelligently and reasonably.
Congratulations to you all involved here.

I'm happy to see good judgement prevailed. Hopefully this young man will have the same good fortune with his court case.

--The Raptor--