
Dec 31, 2005
my local gun/outdoorstore is having 30% off most all their knives.They have two locations,one I live near, one I work near,so istop in after work,the add says 30% off spyderco ,case ,crkt,and remington,but their selection on spyderco was dwindling,the crkts I pretty much have what I want of that, and its selection was thin also,so I see a becker 11, I think its11,any way the neck knife,its price tag was 34$ so i take to get rung up and its 26 $ with the tax.So Im driving home thinking becker wasnt listed as being on sale,I wonder what else was 30% off?So I stop at the one near my house,And the sales guy knows Im in there all the time,I ask him what else is 30%off?He says man everything is,I dont know why it just is.THen he shows me a beretta 92 tanto with aus 8 non seratted blade an the 9mm pistol grip slabs and so on which Im not interested in cause Im thinking benchmade all the way,but the beretta was marked at 89$ and he says last one,its ringiung up 24$!OK I tell Ill take that and also picked up a BM940 for30% off 144$ witch is like 100$,so I ended up with a becker necker,beretta 92 tanto and a BM940 for 160$! I may go back and get a BM960tomorrow. their selection on every thing is going thin but they are gonig to reorder soon except the crk&t.Any one in central Ohio know where Vances or buckeye outdoors is located?
Woodsy said:

Well, kinda...the BM can be found online for a little over 100 bucks and the the Becker Necker is around $30. But you could handle the knives before you spent your hard earned money on 'em and that certainly is an advantage you don't get when ordering online!

By the way, proper punctuation and dividing your text into paragraphs would make your post much easier to read.
Well, I could've said nothing and you would go on and post the way you did and wonder why so few people reply to your threads, as is often the case with people who write like you did in your initial post.
Of course, some people don't have the education to post in proper English. Seeing that yours is not a case of incompetence but laziness (judging from your good spelling), I thought I'd just give you a friendly reminder.

If you want others to read what you wrote, I think extending the basic courtesy to make your posts legible is not too much to ask, job application or not.

Edit: everyone who wonders what sturluson and I are talking about, Woodsy just edited his second post.

please don't take this as "poking fun at the newbie" or something like that, it really was just a friendly reminder. Oh, and welcome to the forums! :)
But what about this Beretta knife?I was worried that since it was only 24 dollars it may only be worth twentyfour dollars.
Hey Woodsy, in post #6 it would be "You're right." (That is the contraction of "You are right.")

Don't take it seriously man, I' not picking on you, just another friendly reminder. :D (Hey, if Quiet Storm can be the English police, I'll help too!:D ) :)
Woodsy said:
Thanks,it seams pretty solid,I had never considered one until todays offer.
It's seems, not seams, and it's today's, not todays.

Okay, I'll stop now. :D

(Sorry!:o )
am I suhppozed to write wiz ze German accentt to give yu somezing to complehn aboutt? :D
o.k cosine,I am now going through every post you have ever pecked out and pick you apart like the buckeyes on a badger.
In case you didn't notice, I posted the German accent bit in jest - I don't even have any German accent worth mentioning, most Brits (and some Americans who don't catch one of my occasional grammar mistakes - the Brits usually believe that it's part of my American dialect ;) ) think I'm from the US. :D
The only American accents I can distinguish with reliable accuracy are Texan/Southern in general, New England, Californian/West Coast and Jive. None of them stand out because of their lack of regard for the rules of interpunction. :D
Quiet storm,that was just me taking a poke at cosine,I noticed he was in wisconson.