Scotch and INFI

Jan 9, 2007
Hey Folks,

I am a new little piggy and have been hanging out here learning what I can, even bought a couple of blades from members and I have got to say you people ROCK!

So today while at the liquor store looking for something new, I spotted the Scotch section. Score! The Hog beverage of choice. Figured I would try Johny Walker Red...

1/4 of the bottle later and I think someone has varnished my tongue!!!!
Windex on the rocks has got to taste better than this.

Now I am worried that if you people think this is good?
What if you are wrong about INFI too?
Still time to cancell my fat order to Wauseon....(just kidding!)
Yeah, the INFI is not really any good either. I'll do you a favor, just box up all your INFI and send it to me for disposal :thumbup:
Red is the cheapest of the JW's. You should have gotten Green, it is a favorite in europe because it is nearly as good as Blue at one third the cost. Gold is good also. , You save the Red after you have ad 3 or 4 glasses of the Green or Gold, by then you can't tell the difference.

But I'll tell you that Talisker may be my current favorite.
Don't worry about it. Everyone has their preferences. Besides that, Amy-0 herself is a fan of just plain ol' beer (Coors Light). So if it's good enough for a Busse 'babe' then it's good enough for an INFIholic....

But I'll tell you that Talisker may be my current favorite.

Yep yep yep :thumbup: !
The Red is not for you........ It's for your guests.
Single malts for yourself, different flavours from different parts of the country. Keep trying untill you find your favorite. It's a great undertaking that can last more than a year err, lifetime.Enjoy.:)
Red is the cheapest of the JW's. You should have gotten Green, it is a favorite in europe because it is nearly as good as Blue at one third the cost. Gold is good also. , You save the Red after you have ad 3 or 4 glasses of the Green or Gold, by then you can't tell the difference.

Just upgrade to JW Black. Good blended scotch for only about an $8-10 premium over Red and at about 1/6th the price of Blue.

YMMV. If you try Black and still can't stomach it, pack it up and send it my way.
I've heard that scotch is an aquired taste. Apparently, if you drink enough of it over a long enough period, you kill off all of the taste buds that are offended by it. "Varnished tongue" is stage one. Keep at it. I'll stick to bourbon.
Were you mixing the Red or drinking on the rocks? JW Red was really blended to be a mixer; Black or better is for best for drinking with a few cubes or neat. But Scotch IS an acquired taste. I came by mine courtesy my mother, she used Dewars on her children's gums when we were teething. :p
Pigs Nose is actually a good scotch to start with. It is very mild. When I compare it to Talisker, it's almost like if I had put 30% water in the talisker to make the pigs nose. That much of a difference. But the Pigs Nose remains very smooth and good taste. Great Daily Scotch.
Not scotch but I like Maker's Mark. Not expensive but quite drinkable.
When drinking it with my band mates I've earned the nickname Maker's Mike.

Maybe it should be my new avatar.

I swiped a bottle of Black Bull brand scotch when I was a teenager. Picture of bull on label. We mixed it with Dr Pepper. I am still damaged....