Scratch pattern

Oct 2, 2007
I am using a system just like the Tormek (Jet slow speed wet sharpener) for grinding and edge on knives, and although it does a good job, sometimes the scratch pattern marks are fairly deep and are difficult to get out even with the leather honing wheel. I dressed the wheel with the fine side of the stone that came with the machine and still the scratches are fairly deep. I have searched the forum for things like this but get FTP errors. I have also searched the net for upgraded wheels in finer grits to no avail (found some for the Tormek though, maybe they will work with the JET?). I did manage to find a post where someone dressed their Tormek wheel with a wet stone to make it finer. Would this actually work? I thought that the grit of the stone (no idea what its actually rated at) will limit how smooth it can be no matter how you dress it. Maybe using lighter pressure when grinding would help?
