A while back, I bought a Scallion, by Kershaw, with Speed-safe index finger opening.
And well, today...I screwed up. I normally carry it around in my pocket -- and today was no different. We went to visit the Bass Pro Shop near by, but then they decided to visit the Arch (I live near St. Louis, in Illinois where I bought the knife from Wal Mart)
And I completely forgot about the knife and walked through the metal detector, setting it off obviously.
I was given a $100 citation for posession of an illegal knife. He told me it was illegal because it was a switchblade and was spring loaded.
Now, I have seen switchblades, and they don't seem all that similiar to me. And as far as I know, switchblades are illegal nationwide and I'm sure Wal Mart wouldn't sell them because of that, even if they're considered legal to sell.
That and the knife is NOT spring loaded -- it's called a Torque Tension bar or something similiar to that.
So I have the option to go to court (The officer that gave it to me suggested to do it, and he said he doesn't normally suggest that.)
So if it's not technically a switchblade, nor is it springloaded, and the world's largest retailer sells it, do you think I have a leg to stand on?
Any other advice? Corrections on my details? Anything constructive?
And well, today...I screwed up. I normally carry it around in my pocket -- and today was no different. We went to visit the Bass Pro Shop near by, but then they decided to visit the Arch (I live near St. Louis, in Illinois where I bought the knife from Wal Mart)
And I completely forgot about the knife and walked through the metal detector, setting it off obviously.
I was given a $100 citation for posession of an illegal knife. He told me it was illegal because it was a switchblade and was spring loaded.
Now, I have seen switchblades, and they don't seem all that similiar to me. And as far as I know, switchblades are illegal nationwide and I'm sure Wal Mart wouldn't sell them because of that, even if they're considered legal to sell.
That and the knife is NOT spring loaded -- it's called a Torque Tension bar or something similiar to that.
So I have the option to go to court (The officer that gave it to me suggested to do it, and he said he doesn't normally suggest that.)
So if it's not technically a switchblade, nor is it springloaded, and the world's largest retailer sells it, do you think I have a leg to stand on?
Any other advice? Corrections on my details? Anything constructive?