
Oct 3, 1998
i just purchased a sebenza (used, but you can't tell). it is one awesome knife! i can't believe i have waited this long to get one. i have wanted one since i first got my benchmade pinnacle. i have already taken it apart and lubed and cleaned it. it was extremely simple. i don't think i will be needing another folder for a long time. this will be my everyday carry. hopefully, there is a decorated one in the far-off future for me! i used to love carrying my benchmade leopard for the same reason - it is a basic, simple, working knife, that can also be used for defensive purposes. the larger hex screws made it simple to take apart to clean and maintain. (this is important to me). the sebenza matches all of these qualities and has an incredible locking mechanism as well! the open back make it easy to clean out, the titanium slabs make it incredibly rust-resistant. all in all, this knife is the best folder i have ever handled, and i have handled quite a few custom folders!

just curious - when did chris reeve stop doing any work on the sebenza? mine is dated September 26, 1997. was any of the work on this knife done by him or not? thanks for any info.

MARCO..yeea these are awesome knives, I have two, an old one ats34 and a small...lookin to get another soon! Both mine I got used...Want to get a new one soon, maybe decorated? I think you can have them decorated after the fact. How do you like the BG42 steel. Does it have a titanium clip or steel I've heard theres two kinds, but not sure? What took you so long?
well enjoy it! ITS A KEEPER !!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Sebenza! It took a while to get mine, but it was really worth it. Love the BG-42, and the tight lockup. I think it's one of the best folders ever.
Just had to chime in because I love my large and small Sebenzas as well.

Sadly, you cannot get a plain handle decorated, as they do that fairly early in the production process I understand. But keep your eyes on the sale/trade forum as people like to make that swap quite often. Or you can avoid the delema by getting one of each


I have had my small, Sebenza for a few weeks and it is made to be is very precisely made and is made from good steel that sharpens easily and holds a good edge. I, too, like the fact that it is easily disassembled to be cleaned & lubed.
I may purchase a decorated one later!! ENJOY!
I finally joined in on the 'benza club scene during the last month, as MikeV on our forum was nice enough to work out a great deal with me to get his brand new large decorated 'benza. I don't know what took me so long to buy one, other than I've been used to paying production prices for the past five years that I've really been into knives. Expensive or not, I'm glad I bought a Sebenza! But, it's so pretty that I couldn't bear to carry it. So, I had to buy another large sebenza in the plain finish last week as a daily user! Whew, this is getting addicting, and an expensive addiction it's been! I'm just wondering if I should buy a small one now. I have a pretty big hand, do any of you that own both find that the small one is TOO small? I've never held the small version.

Chad, if you have big paws, stick to the Large Sebenza. I have both and if my medium-large hands are just barely happy with the Small you might find it too small.

I am waiting on a Large plain for work, then the small plain becomes a nice (to say the least) back up. I can't bare to teke my large decorated to work.

It is an addiction.


[This message has been edited by stjames (edited 26 April 1999).]
I carried my large decorated all weekend on a trip to Lake Tahoe with my wife. Only used it to carve our initials on a dock

St James,
Stay where you are, we have been waiting for you to admit that it was you who carved those initials into that dock. There will be a team of CP's, (carving police) to pick you up!



When a fellow says, "it ain't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.
F. McKinney Hubbard

The "carving police", hehe. I think I'll stick to my large sebenzas, but I'll check out a small one when I get the chance (just for the "hey" of it) to compare. I definitely won't do a blind order on one! Thanks, St.James. You know, we used to have a very exquisite restaurant in our area named the "St.James Envoy". Just thought you should know...
It's my opinion that we should stick with the large version of any knife. Every time I get a "small" or "mini" knife like the SOCOM or UDT I'm disappointed. I don't have big mitts but these little knives look so puny even in my medium sized hands. The larger versions are just so much better.

Just my two little pennies.

"Every Dog Has His Day"


I can empathize with you. I waited over 2 years to get one. I must say i am glad that I had to wait. A. I got the newer model with the BG42 steel and B. The long wait made me appreciate it a whole lot more.

I too, love the simplicity of disassembly and reassembly, plus the fact that it is one heck of a work horse of a knife with the best warranty policy I have seen yet. This is one of the main reasons I have resisted the urge to trade it for an MPF folder. Oh, do I want one of those. Perhaps another 2 year wait, Lord I hope not.

Anyway, good luck with your new toy and stick with the large. I am sure the smaller ones are very nice but we large handed individuals need something to grip.

God bless!

Romans 10:9-10

"Military" Fans Unite!!
On my lg. decorated sebenza AND on my lg. plain sebenza, the sides measure .150" thick. Until I got the decorated one, I thought that Chris Reeves decorated both sides of the knife, but it's just the non-clip/integral lock side. The clip/integral lock side was left plain grey on mine. I guess that decorating the clip/lock side would not only be a bit harder, but would add some cost as well.
Saveman..if you have large hands you might wanna stick with the large SEB. I have small hands and the smaller one suits me best and is easy to carry. I also find that it will do just about anything the big will do! Remember its not the size that counts its how you use it..
No, seriously it suits me fine.. I also like the Mini Socom too.
If the clip side was decorated it might get hung up when attempting to quickly withdraw from a pocket. This was a problem on the BM Sentinel until they went to 1 piece of aluminum on the clip side.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick"...TR

Well I just picked up my large sebenza this week! I went to my local gun shop to look at a plain BM Pinnacle. They had one large sebenza in stock! I was surprised at the solid lock-up of the Pinnacle but still did not feel quite as solid as the Sebenza. The Pinnacle had grid problems and when closed the blade rested against the side of one liner. That was enough for me... I can't believe I waited so long to buy the Sebenza. It did take a day to get used to the pointy thumb stud but not opening and closing feels very natural. This knife will be my daily user for a long time to come.

I'm glad I bought a large over the small Sebenza. With a blade length of 3.5" it is really not that large. The non-agressive shape helps reduce the office-fear syndrome.
Well since I received my small Sebenza, I've carried it for about a week, (I was heading up to RJ Martin's neck of the woods I took the large one out of my drawer to show RJ the knife and some of my sheath work, also picked up my Kozuka #4 which is very nice! Thanks RJ), and I thought man this is BIG. I was surprised at how used to the small Sebenza I had gotten, and how I forgot how much bigger the large one was!

The small does very well and is handy when taking it out so it doesn't scare the sheeple as some call them. Now I'm saving up for the Umfaan, zig zag pattern, and I'm sure I'll have the same thing happen when I wear that for a week and get the Small one out and go WOW that small is BIG!

Gotta sell some stuff to get that though, might be selling off my Spyderco Jess Horn with Jigged bone handle, hate to but....


When a fellow says, "it ain't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.
F. McKinney Hubbard
