Second order for BF Wilderness & Survival patches?

That patch is seriously cool, thanks for taking on this task! I can't wait til they arrive!:thumbup:
Originally posted by Sharp Eye:

I'm pretty new around here. Can I still get in on these patches?

Yes you can. Let me know what you want and if you need me to, I'll give you a total to pay.

I have all patches available. The only caveat is that I only have 2 patches of 3-Color #1 left. I offered them to somebody else three days ago, but I haven't heard from him. If you want them, they are yours.
I'm with the rest....something other than green would be better but it's no big deal.

Sorry to hear about your health issues, I hope you're feeling better.
Guys, thank you for the input. Troop, you are right. With the change in color of the handle,the pins should've been a different color.

My concern in changing that is that every time they correct something, something else is literraly screwed up. Just changing the color of the handle resulted in pins that stretched the whole width of the handle and a lanyard hole that was 1/2 of the size of the handle. When that was finally fixed, part of the flames in the background were erased. And I'm not going to go into the problems correcting the choil/ricasso line.

This version of the patch isn't exactly right, but it's the closest they've gotten to it. Since no one noticed the details I was worried about, and most can live with the green pins, I'm approving the patch.

Originally posted by BlackHills:

Sorry to hear about your health issues, I hope you're feeling better.

Thank you for your concern. I'm ok, its just that this will require long term treatment. I'm getting used to my mind and body doing everything slower than I'm used to, so I'm learning to pace myself. The fatigue, arthritis-like pain, and dizziness/lightheadedness are the most uncomfortable aspects of it.
I like it, I didnt even notice the green handle pins when I first looked at it. The blade tip
looked a little warped, but it is minor... They look great to me, I say go with it. Its a patch, I say it looks fine as it is. You have had a hard time on this one, liable to get to picky, and then something else will be screwed up and you will have to deal with that then.

btw- glad youre feeling better...... jake

Glad to hear you are feeling better, let us know if you need anything.... Got my patches, they look great! Thank you for all your hard work on our behalf!
Priginally posted by mneedham:


Glad to hear you are feeling better, let us know if you need anything.... Got my patches, they look great! Thank you for all your hard work on our behalf!

Glad you like the patches, and it is my pleasure to do this. I've been the recepient of other members' generosity on more than one ocasion, proven by a really nice HI Foxy Folly, an Opinel, and several Okapis. This is my way and oportunity to "give back" or "pass it forward" if you will.

As for what I need, I can use all the prayers I can get. I'm doing my pastorate as much as my health allows it. My co-pastor is helping to carry the slag. But I really pay my bills doing research for Christian writers, and my mind, memory, and analytical skills are not at full thrusters right now, if you now what I mean.
Preacher Man,
In the back of my mind I knew there was something I was looking forward to this afternoon and when I opened the mailbox . . . :cool: :thumbup::thumbup: The patches are even better than I expected, I love the colors!
Many, many thanks for seeing this thru, especially while you're not feeling all that well. I hope you feel better, thoughts and prayers sent your way.
My patches came today too. They're great.

Preacherman, you have my thanks and my prayers.
Patches were in the mail this AM when I got up. Great way to start the day!! they look great :thumbup:

PM, thanks again for taking on all this, much appreciated!
Hopefully they will show up on Monday.:thumbup:

Thanks, Edgar.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
Patches arrived yesterday. :thumbup:
Thanks for all your hard work Preacherman. They look great.
Got mine too. They look Great. Many Thanks. to all who worked to get this done.