Security at the convention?

Feb 1, 2001
I was wondering if our khukuris will be secure at the Atlantis? I want to bring 40-50+ khukuris and about 50 or so other knives and I don't want to be lugging them around with me and I was hoping that we would have table space to display our knives and leave them there untill the convention was over. Or will we have to pack them up and bring them back to our hotell every time we leave for lunch/dinner/sleep. Will the Atlantis lock up the meeting room at night when we are not there if we leave our knive?

Also what is the policy on guns? Should we bring them or not?
I think we may be getting into war about convention time and things get funny. I'd suggest that everybody leave the guns home at this time frame.

The Tradewinds meeting room will be locked at 9PM but I wouldn't leave anything in it. Janitorial personnel have keys to everything and I don't trust them. I know it's a pain lugging 50 khukuris around but it's better than losing one. Bring a suitcase for them -- the kind with rollers so you can pull rather than carry.
I was waiting for the convention but I think I have a khukuri or 2 with your noame on it Sarge! It will just be getting it to you that will be the problem but with time I think it will work!;)
Ok no guns, I plan on having my Sig .40 with me though for protection when traveling the highways but I'll leave the AK, AR and other rifles and guns at home!
Well maybe it will be good to lug around all those knives as now I won't have to go to the gym to lift weights!:D
I'll be glad to *help* anyone with their collections. I only ask for a paltry khuk by way of payment. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by SkagSig40
I was wondering if our khukuris will be secure at the Atlantis? I want to bring 40-50+ khukuris and about 50 or so other knives
:eek: I was just thinking about bringing my khukuris, ten or so. But I think maybe I will bring a little bit more of my collection of knives. Not nearly a hundred but a 1/4 of the way there:D. Can't wait to see everyones collections and the people behind them. I wonder how many pounds of knives will be in the room:D
Originally posted by SkagSig40
Ok no guns, I plan on having my Sig .40 with me though for protection when traveling the highways but I'll leave the AK, AR and other rifles and guns at home!
Well maybe it will be good to lug around all those knives as now I won't have to go to the gym to lift weights!:D

Dang, I was hoping to see a bunch of guns. Oh well. . . . Hey Chris, since Guns are a NO at the Convention, you could just leave them at my place for safe keeping.:D I'd take good care of them and even make sure that you got them back.;) After extencive testing of course.:p
No CCW carry of firearms inside casinos, airports, schools, court buildings or bldgs. with metal detectors or signs stating firearms are prohibited.

Bill's suggestion on no guns with a war pending seems logical on public transport ( I.E. airlines ). If you are driving, check out
the below link to Packing Org.

Knives are not permitted for concealed carry (on the body). Folders of 4" or less may not be legal in Reno, but a couple decades ago I was told not to worry by the then LEO's

Once inside Tradewinds 3, they will not be concealed. Stick them in a case or golf bag between parking lot and TW3. Packing.Org
A golf bag fulla 30" khuks and tarwars with those cute little knitted covers over the handles is a nice picture.:)
Thanks for help, Rusty. I think it's Tradewinds II but 1,2&3 are side by side so it won't be hard to find.