Setting/grinding plunge on a convex ground blade

Aug 12, 2002
OK all, I'm remaking this knife I have here, and I like the convex grind on it as its' setup for me to use in camp and want it to stnad up to heavy chopping. So no snide remarks on the convex grind. I am leanring flat grind too. ;)

Anyways, how do y'all goa bout setting the plunge on a convex grind? I can't quite seem to figure out how to get a good defined plunge and still have it go into the convex grind.
Might want to think about not putting a plunge cut on it. Here's a couple of pics of one of Ray Richard's Bowies.

The first shows the blade with NO grip on top of couple of logs he chopped with it. Pretty impressive. The second is the finished knife.


BTW Mycroft Lives!:cool:
I start the plunge line by roughing out that area on the face of the contact wheel. You have to be careful not to remove too much material or else you will run into problems later. By establishing the grind shoulder this way I can then let the belt play up to the shoulder on each pass, and that creates a smooth transition area.