O.k. guys, There has been enough time hopefully for this topic to have cooled off. I tried to explain what happened to one of the moderators but I received no response. I don't know if he never got the e-mail or what. Anyway, that doesn't really matter. I learned the hard way, never leave your computer unattended with the automatic log-in box checked unless you can fully trust everyone who has access to it. I am (was) sevenedges, and the post that got me banned was not typed by me, but from an idiot friend who thought I was spending too much time on the computer. Anyway, I could have refrained from posting this but wanted people to know I am still around, and I don't leave my log-in box checked anymore. And the person who got me banned is no longer around Either. If you have no idea what I am talking about never mind, if you do please accept my apologies.