SH Tubes - matte vs shiney

Mar 26, 2000
Anyone have any insight into the reason some of the straight handles have brass tubes that were matted (a la DWMS) while others are shiney? Saw a Mean Street that wasn't a DWMS with matte tubes.

Just curious.
I was under the impression that the matted ones were just shiney which had aged, but would be shiney again if cleaned. There are two finishs to the tubes?

It really looks like there are. The matte tubes almost look etched or bead blasted. Tarnish would not change the surface texture that quickly.
The shiny ones look like they have a reamed or deburred finish. Look close, you can see that it looks like someone did some follow up work after they were pressed. ...heck, maybe they're brushed???:confused:

I have a DWMS (.23", smooth coat) that has matte tubes that appear(ed) to have been blasted. Now they have sort of a tarnished poopy color:D

Look at some of your other matte tubed knives, you'll notice how the tube's flared surface is virgin from the base of the flare to the edge. They actually have a softer, rounded overall feel, while the shiny ones are flat.

I love the matte tubes on the coated or tan handled models, but the satin models look way better with the shiny nickel.

Has anyone seen any matte or blasted nickel tubes? I bet the DC Mefos would look awesome with matte nickel tubes:cool: :cool: :cool:
Better be careful what you wish may be the cause of Jerry delaying production for another 12 months while he examines whether or not shiney or matte would be better for the Mofo's :) Wow, could you imagine how many people would be hunting you down! :D
Originally posted by Strabs
Now they have sort of a tarnished poopy color:D

Yeah Strabs nailed it with this description, exactly the thought I was trying to put into words :p ;):D:D

I've also wondered about this. Is it possible they were BB or brushed after the handles were assembled?
the dull ones have been blasted along with the handles, the shiny ones are just put in as they are. i have dremeled the dull ones to shiny and blasted the shiny to dull.
blasting the handles do no harm at all.
ever notice the e's are almost all shiny and the old straights are dull, mmmmmm?
textured are shiny, smooth dull, not always but most of the time.

buy the way did anybody hear about jerry's hospital bout today?:(
Are they still doing the dull tubes these days?

I must say, on user knives I like them a lot :D

Oh yeah, dull nickel would be cool!