Shaman, Dirty Old Fish Clan, Returns......


hovering overhead
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
...And I dredged up some new recruits while in Atlanta...

Turns out that we're a more widespread clan than I had suspected.

Good to be back. I trust Walosi, Yvsa and Jim have been playing nicely while I was gone.

(Underboss, Dirty Old Fish Clan....Fuhgeddaboudit!)

Live Free or Die

Blues' Knife Pix
Of course we've been playing nice. We never make fun of, nor pick at, and always use coasters and napkins.

Who are the new fis....guys you tricked into joining your totem?

[This message has been edited by Walosi (edited 06-11-2001).]

I had a little talk, not for nothin', wit some of da "boys" and was told I could tell you the following new members of the "totem" would be lookin' to have a little sitdown witcha. Not that they think you got a problem or anything. Anyways, keep an eye out for:

Frankie "The Fish" Pesci

Joey "Breadcrumbs" Baccala

Patsy "Flounder Boy" DiMare

Vinnie "The Crab" Arena

They never refuse good food, and a little chianti couldn't hurt.



(Underboss, Dirty Old Fish Clan and Italian American Anti-Defamation League

Live Free or Die

Blues' Knife Pix

[This message has been edited by Blues (edited 06-12-2001).]

Send 'em on up. If they wait 'til next month, we can BBQ some squirrel and have fresh sweet corn and chitlin's. If they wait 'til August, we can have some corn with that corn. No Chianti.

(Hmmmm...... they sure don't sound NDN...?)
Firewater??? Heaven Forfend, Mercy, No. Tis just the fruits of Logan Co. agriculture, slow aged in the barrel, flavored ever so mildly with oak charcoal (or whatever was on the grill that day), to be sipped ever so gen'lmanly from a glass (it goes through a tin cup like raisins through a duck).

Does that glass just happen to have "Mason" written on it???

That stuff makes good carburator cleaner too... very versatile

Blues it's good to see that you're using the correct name (Shaman) for the non-ndns Medicine People.
Not many people know the difference between a Shaman and a Medicine Man or Medicine Woman.
The word Shaman applies only to non-ndn Medicine People.
The words Medicine Man or Medicine Woman are the correct terms for an Indin Medicine Person.
And if any Indin ever comes up to you and claims to be a Shaman you need to lsten very carefully and make sure they're not saying _Shame-Man_.
The ndn world is full of them and you can easily tell them from real Medicine People because it won't be long and they will try to charge you for performing ceremonies.

You also want to run like Hell the opposite way!!!!!!!

And I know that "stuff" as well!!!!!!

I prefer the "Mountain Dew" which goes down nice and smooth and won't eat the bottom out of a tin cup.

But LOOK OUT when you go to stand up because you won't be able to feel your feet.
And if you sit back down and decide to have "just" another "little jigger full" you won't be able to feel your A$$ let alone find it with both hands.

And Blues one of dem boyz may be kinfolk, slightly remooved, ta oneah my son-in-laws. Da name soun(d)s very familiar.

In all seriousness though where is Ray?
I have been wondering about him myself, but just figured he was busy like some of us get from time to time.
I miss Ray as well. Ray brought a lot of good to the Cantina.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Mason, Kerr - s'long as it's glass. And I wouldn't get it anywhere near a carburetor. If there was any left when you fired it up, they'd need a 25" AK to hack you out of the wreck.
In N.C., they drive hot cars on their runs. In Kentucky, runs are made by wagon on quiet back trails and small roads, 'cause the stuff is just too hazardous for crowded highways. And, like LOX, it tends to get noisy if spilled on asphalt. Talk about SMOOOOOTH!:O

Now I'd like to trade in my shaman status for Medicine Man, but I'll wait for the rites of passage and initiation before I don the mantel.

Oh, on another note, Ray Kirk, Troy Brown and I had dinner together the other evening up in Atlanta and I brought up my favorite person living in Catoosa. Wondered if your ears were ringing on Thursday evening?
Good feelings were sent your way.


Those "eyetalian" sounding names up above all had a bit of a joke in the last names. Pesci means fish. Arena means sand. DiMare means of the sea. And baccala is salted cod.

("Stealing The Medicine" Man For Many Unhappy Travelers Crossing Our Borders)

Live Free or Die

Blues' Knife Pix

[This message has been edited by Blues (edited 06-12-2001).]
That's Smooth Alright!!!

I don't know if it's true or not but I have heard that instead of tearing up the roads in Kaintuck that the state uses the confiscated stuff and pours it on the highway in a controlled manner and they get instant smoothing of the asphalt to six inches deep.

I have also heard that the only trouble is that the highway is so dayumed smooth it's extremely slick in wet weather, but the upside of that is that you can drink the runoff while you're waiting for the wrecker and the medics don't have to administer any anesthetic while you're waiting.

Yvsa, who forgot his meds until late in the day because he has been busy.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Absolutely not true!! Our libation only effects asphalt down to about 3-4 inches - It burns hot and fast
While it is true that it takes away any need for anesthetics, the high liquid asphalt content in the runoff can cause other problems. Where do you think Johnny Cash got the idea for "Ring of Fire"????

As for the names - I knew dat. One of my Navy buds was Anatoli "Chicken" Cacciatore, the cowardly gunner's mate. Hated loud noises. His other nickname was "Seagull" because he didn't do anything but eat, ____ and squawk.

[This message has been edited by Walosi (edited 06-12-2001).]