Sharpeners-Gatco or Sharpmaker?

Mar 21, 2000
Which one works better, any opinions are welcome. The edge-from what I have read might go to the Sharpmaker--what do you think?

Thanks for your input, excuse the pun!
This is not even a fair contest. The Sharpmaker is by far the most simple and quickest way to sharpen any edged tool, PERIOD.

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "
I have the 204 and a Lansky. I used to love the lansky but, now it collect dust
Cutiger3 has summed up my situation exactly!
The Sharpmaker 204 rules the sharpening roost here. I have a dozen different ways to sharpen knives around here and the 204 gets almost all the business now. If I have heavy duty re-beveling to do, I'll take it out to the belt grinder for hogging off the steel but the finishing work comes back to the 204.
If it's a particularly persnickity and easily burned steel like 440C I'll use the Lansky.

The individualist without strategy who takes opponents lightly will inevitably become the captive of others.
Sun Tzu
I guess you have in mind GATCO EdgeMate Pro Sharpening system?
Hmmm, it is somewhat difficult to say which works better.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages one vs. another.

SPYDERCO Sharpmaker:
+ easier to set up;
+ works considerably better on long blades;
+ has awesome users manual in nicely printed brochure and on videotape;
+ can be used as conventional flat benchstone;
+ don't need any lubrication;
- has only two pre-set angles for knife sharpening;
- can waste your knife tip if you will allow it to slide from the rod when used in edge mode;

GATCO EdgeMate Pro:
+ sharpening angle is not depending on your hand, it is pre-set purely mechanically;
+ don't required constant base (like working bench or table), you can work holding the system in your hand;
+ extra coarse grit hone cuts the metal a bit faster;
+ GATCO diamond hones can be used with the same clamp;
+ better to work with convex ground blades, having more pre-set sharpening angles you can imitate convex ground edge with multi-beveled edge;
- it is a bit tricky to "catch up" the same sharpening angle from one sharpening session to another, you might slightly (but very slightly) regrind the edge each session;
- it can be tricky or even impossible to clamp up the daggers and blades with pronounced false edge.

Please don't count these pluses and minuses point-by-point, think about which of them is more important for you. The best way to choose - try to handle one and another at any blade show or store.
Maybe I missed some properties but hope it can help.

Sergiusz Mitin
Lodz, Poland
Thanks for all the replies, sounds like the Sharpmaker will give me the edge I need--or deserve.

To :Sergiusz Mitin

The Ares 730 is just like you said, well balanced and a near perfect fit. Mine was very sharp and opens quickly with just a hint of wrist! Thanks again to Sergiusz and all those who replied!