Sharpening a full flat grind

Nov 13, 2007
I'm wondering what the thoughts are about how to sharpen/maintain a full flat grind? I'm thinking about getting a Caly 3, but if it's truly a full flat grind, would you need/want to sharpen the entire blade, or would you put a microbevel on it? Once you do that, it's not really a full flat grind anymore, right? :confused: When new, I'm guessing the included angle must be well under 30 degrees... if you were to put a microbevel on, would it be OK to do so with a Sharpmaker (probably the 30 degree setting)? Thanks!
The caly3 is not flat grind to the edge. It has a regular secondary edge profile. You sharpen it like any other knife.

What you're thinking of is "zero grind", not full flat... full flat just means that the primary (damn, knife terminology can get confusing... I mean the one closest to the spine of the knife) grind goes all the way to the spine, in a flat line.
You are messed up between "full flat grind" + secondary bevel and "zero edge grind". If it was a zero edge grind and you wanted to keep it that way (Opinels for example) you should sharpen the whole blade but I think that none does it... it is a PITA! and chances are you will just scratch and ruin the whole thing (unless you are a knifemaker with propper equipment).
