Sharpening abuse?

Feb 7, 2000
Take a look at item 2153912273 on Ebay. Here's a link. Think that guy got his money's worth out of that knife? :eek: Look's like someone needs to stop sharpening their whittlin' knife on a disc sander.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I have been using and sharpening pocketknives all of my life, and I have never had a blade look like that. :rolleyes:
looks like they used asn industrial stone, norton, ect. If you only have one knife and use it and sharpen it constantly I could see some wear. these two though.......not very old to have that kind of damage.
I´ve seen many knives like that, here in mexico some people ride around in bicycles with a jig that lifts up the rear wheel and somehow connects it to a grinder (a portable pedal operated grinder) they offer sharpenning services and have a typical whistle call.

When they come around, housewives walk out with their old kitchen knives to have them sharpened, what they get back is a narrower knife with a very toothy edge. Of course they will do pocket knives, they will wear them down in a single session and charge a small fee for doing it.
Wow, that is some massive blade wear, especially considering the one is supposedly from 1978. What a waste of a knife.
That would be like hitting one of your own kids to me. It's just not right...
......that is sooooo sad!!
:( Im sure they're just trying to make a living, unfortunately those knives are getting ruined in the process!!! Maybe someone should teach them to sharpen the right way????

I don´t think those bicycling sharpeners are going away for a long time, most of their work is on cheap kitchen knives for people who never sharpen themselves and don´t mind replacing cheap knives often.

And they have this traditional/nostalgic thing with their characteristic multitone whistle...

It does feel bad though, that they will ruin good knives. My daughter and nephews are in a group similar to boy scouts and I have shown them and their friends how to sharpen properly and offer to sharpen their knives for them, some kids listen, some don´t, it´s surprising how many people in Mexico know so little about sharpening.

Perhaps I should start collecting their old knives and sell them at ebay
:D .