Sheaths for Desert Tan models

Jun 29, 2002
I got in on the INFIcoot deal, and I'm trying to find out where everyone is getting their sheath work done for their Busse Desert Tan models. How well does tan kydex match up with the Desert finish?

BTW, this will be my first taste of INFI, and I'm sure it won't be my last! I know it isn't really a Busse, but I don't think it is a bad start! :D
Hope I get in on the inficoot deal.... Eric is checkin on it for me..... as far as INFI goes..... my two Busse's rock.... hacked through tie wire on grenade cases on my last deployment with not a nick to show for it....also sliced sand bags for four hours when breaking down the TOC for movement..... damn thing still shaved hair!
I have desert pattern Kydex! I may also be in posession of a Bandicoot for a short time and have permission from the owner to make extra sheaths. For details please contact me via e-mail.
If you want leather you should talk to Dwayne, aka leatherman. He has made some great sheaths for me and is working on something unique for my desert NO.
Sorry gang!

Just got word that the 'coot I'm expecting has been modified. I will not be making extra sheaths with it due to fit tollerances.

If anyone is willing to send a "factory fresh" or only "slightly loved" 'coot. Please e-mail me.

I am also working on aquiring my own 'coot and will advise as events warrant.