
Aug 12, 1999
Can someone hand me a number of websites where one can have a custom sheath made? (leather and/or kydex).
For high quality leather custom sheaths I highly recommend Gary Graley. Gary has made me 6 custom leather sheaths are they are the best I have ever seen. Click here:
Gary Graley Custom Sheaths

Here is a few pics of some of Gary's work. The hidden knives are customs made by Drew Gleason of Little Bear Knives, Amherst Mass

This is a custom folder sheath Gary made. The knife is a custom folder in D2 steel with a cocobolo handle made by Bill Winn in 1983.



[This message has been edited by Kodiak PA (edited 14 August 1999).]
Let me just second the recommendation of Gary Graleys work. I have several Sebenza sheathes as well as one for an AFCK he put together for me. I know that I will have to get on for my WH Spearpoint soon…A terrific guy, excellent work, and very fast turn around time.

I don't know why this is on the Store forum, I'm going to move it to the general forum.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Also try Steve Agocs at agocs_s@DD.PALMER.EDU He posts here as Chiro75. I believe he works only in Kydex (concealex maybe?
) as far as I know. Everything I have seen posted about his work is great!

Spark, it is probably because " Store Forum" sounds like a very good place to ask questions about different stores or distributors. Yes, the post does belong here, but it seems like a reasonable mistake.

I also forgot to mention that Gfeller Casemakes does fine custom work . They make all the sheathes that Chris Reeve knives uses for their OnePiece Range and Large Sebenza. Todd Brandel made me a great sheath for my Small Sebenza, and maybe someday CRK will offer it as a regular item.

I agree that it's a reasonable mistake, I'm not castigating him or anything, that's why I moved it to the General Forum, instead of locking it and not moving it.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Spark, no offence, I think your responce of moving the thread was correct. I was just pointing out that it is a little confusing. Sadly, I have no better suggestions to help clarify matters. I was just spouting up because I had a post to add for him, is all. As always, a very good job of managing the system. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Spark, and Stjames. Indeed, as a 'foreigner' and a first time visitor, I looked into the definition of forums. I thought that it belonged there. Sorry about that!
I noticed there are rather a lot of forums. Do they all have to be maintained?
All the best from Holland, Hans.
Hans, the forums keep growing and growing! Hard enough to figure out what they are exactly even when they are in your native language.

This general discussion forum is a good place for all around knife questions, from different brands and makers to where to find stuff. The knife reviews forum is also good for that kind of specific information. They are both moderated by fellow members, as are the custom knife, collector’s corner and the blade smith Q&A forums. All of those are just what they sound like, as are the Automatic knives forum (hosted by BF Administrator Mike Tuber) and the Marshal Arts forum (run by REKATs Bob Taylor). If you see a forum representing a manufacturer, it usually means that they have a representative moderating and answering questions. Great for those very specific things you want to know about someone’s product line.

The AKTI forum is to help support the acceptance of knives as tools in our country, and the Political Arena, community and news and Views forums are for either more non-knife related stuff or knife stuff that has shown up elsewhere that you want to share.

All the “Knife Exchange” forums are fairly strait forward, except of course the Bladeforums Store forum! This is for the items that the forum sells to help generate revenue to cover the operating costs. They have offered many good deals and exclusive knives, including the latest, the REKAT Sifu, apparently developed right here on the forums!

And the suggestion box and the tech support forums are for contacting the administrators about something.

All the forums are moderated, some more closely than others, and occasionally a thread has to be closed because of raised tempers. But all in all it is a nice community that does a good job of keeping things friendly.

I am sorry that I cannot suggest someone closer to you who could make you a sheath. Most of the people mentioned would need either the knife or a facsimile of it in order to fit a custom sheath. What kind of knife are you looking to get a sheath made for? Someone might be able to suggest something or someone more specific that could be shipped out to you overseas.

Nice to see more dutchmen on the forum.

As for you question, try:

Horseman Outfitter
Lijkweg 14
6923 CA Groessen
Tel: 08360-23770

He makes custom sheaths, holsters and sels knives.
For custom Concealex/Kydex sheaths I recommend Mike Sastre of River City Sheaths. Some forumites may be familar with his work on folder sheaths (he made the BF Native neck sheath), but he also does a fantastic job on fixed blades as well. I had a couple made for some custom Bauchops and form, fit, & function are all top notch. I'm currently awaiting the arrival of a River City sheath for an AG Russell Sting as well as for some Spydie folders.

Mike can be reached at or via phone at (513) 868-9680.


