Sheepdog in 10v for $90?

Oct 4, 2021
Just a heads up: got an email from BHQ. They've got a sprint run of Kizer Sheepdogs in 10v with Micarta scales for $89! Snagged me one in a hurry.

No affiliation with BHQ ... and I hope this doesn't violate any policy here. Just thought folks would want to know.
I've been going back and forth with these( do I really need a fifth sheepdog?) That's a helluva deal ,
knifecenter has a 3V version for a good bit more.
Just talked myself into it ,you guys are the best !
Doesn’t bother me, but it’s worth mentioning that this one is on washers and not bearings. Still a helluva deal tho.
10v for 89.00 ,I got me a couple-these are real beauties,one of the knife values of the year ,I wish I knew the rockwell on them even at 60 it is still a top performer as far as edge retention goes-super pumped,I was able to carry mine today,super easy carry right under .50 " :)
10v for 89.00 ,I got me a couple-these are real beauties,one of the knife values of the year ,I wish I knew the rockwell on them even at 60 it is still a top performer as far as edge retention goes-super pumped,I was able to carry mine today,super easy carry right under .50 " :)
Got mine today, too. tbh, I mostly bought it because I wanted to try out the steel, but I'm liking the knife. Handle is *super* comfortable. Smooth operator. Slicey blade geometry. Detent is a little too strong for my tastes, but not too bad. Pocket clip is very good.
I looked at it. I was tempted by it to try 10V too. But the cleaver design and the height of the knife (especially when closed) is a turn off for me. I'm hoping Kizer comes along with something else in 10V soon. Maybe a *cough* Begleiter with 10V + micarta scales *cough*.

Kizer quality with 10V and micarta scales for $89? That will be hard to beat admittedly.