Shenandoah Valley Knife Show?

Jan 27, 2002
Hello all! I'm looking to go to my first show in a couple of weeks, because someone just let me know about a show going on in april. They weren't sure of the exact dates or the place (other than in Harrisonburg, VA). I was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up on this show- where it is, exact dates, people who might be there. I'm VERY excited, and I don't want to miss the show! Thanks, again!


Edited to say, that according to the knife show website, its in April 4-6, but elsewhere I've seen it MARCH 4-6, anyone got anything?
It is April 4-6.

Basically you take the southern most Harrisonburg exit off I81. Cross the interstate heading west. You immediatly come to a light which is RT 11. You want to take a left, which is south. You go maybe 2 miles, the Rockingham County fairgrounds will be on your right. Drive back the entrance road and look for a large, tan metal building, can't miss it.

Disclaimer: This is all off 1 year old memory. It wouldn't hurt to verify/clarify directions elsewhere.

I can't remember the exit name/number, but on the east side of the interstate there is a huge construction equipment yard and a place that often has a lot of golf carts. That is the exit.
I'll be going on Saturday! I wonder which makers will be there? I imagine the Jones Brothers might be there, being from near VA, and also maybe Running Dog (?), though their website says they're not in production at the moment. So exciting! My wife is letting me go ALONE!!!!!! Of course she'll insist on frisking me when I come in the door, just to see if I've spent money on something "useless". Like ANY knife could be considered useless! Even the Frost Cutlery stuff works well as a paperweight :D ! Gotta love this hobby...
Here are the directions to the Greater Shenandoah Valley Knife Show.

Take you best route to I 81. Take the exit number 243 (US-11) toward Harrisonburg. Go south on US 11 (toward Staunton) approximately 1.6 miles to the fairground (on right). Follow it back to the tan building.

The show hours are Friday 2pm - 7pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm, and Sunday 9am - 3 pm. The cost is a modest $4.00 per day.

The show is a nice mix of custom, production, and antique.

The Jones Brothers should be there. I will be there as well (American Knife Outlet). Edmund Davidson, Mark Sentz, PJ Tomes, William J Hurt, Larry Beverly, Ron Knott, J.E. Sinclair were there last year (just what I remember off the top of my head). I will try to post an up to date list later today.

Stop by and say hello.

I don't know about anyone else, but I think it'd be worth the price of admission just to meet Mr. Tomes! That man makes some VERY nice knives! I get goosebumps just thinking about my first show!
Yeah, The Jones Brothers will definitely be there. We have been there every year except for the first year the show was held. It may be a small show but it does draw some very talented makers. It is one of the most relaxing shows we do every year. I am really looking forward to it.
Is there any plan for a Va Knifeknut get together during the show? My wife and I will be there sometime between 10am and 11am.

Originally posted by mtnbkr
Is there any plan for a Va Knifeknut get together during the show? My wife and I will be there sometime between 10am and 11am.


What do you say, folks? Noon, just inside the entrance?