Shootout husband versus wife

Sep 22, 2003
The wife concentrates


Wife beat me on rounds on the paper cause I lost a few off the side on the first clip. I grouped mine a little tighter. Mines on the left and hers on the rt. This was abt 47 yards. Looks like I need to take the sights a little more to the rt. First time trying the Wolf ammo worked fine.

I had a Bisley .41 Blackhawk. It was my pride and joy. My wife and I were in the Mojave desert and doing a little target practise. She'd had virtually none. She kept nailing the stale box of crackers we'd set out for a target and I kept screwing the rear sight blade back and forth, up and down, trying to 'get it right'. I couldn't understand why she could hit the box so easily. I was having troubles. Must be the Sight.

I've long since moved onto thoroughly enjoying and understanding large bore revolver cartridges and am an adequate shot. I think many women are better right out of the box than are men.

munk said:
I I think many women are better right out of the box than are men.

My grand dad always said women were way better pistol shots and it seems to be true from my experience. Not just the wife but others.:thumbup:
Women tend to be process-oriented, while men tend to be outcome-oriented.
I think many women are better right out of the box than are men.

I thought there was some research to that effect somewhere but I can't remember the source:confused:
Heinlein had all kinds of theories about women in general being better than men at most things. THat was influenced in part due to his wife Virginia, who was a jewel even among womankind.

As SpiderRobinson put it in a piece in "Time Traveler's Strictly Cash" (which was just the text of a speech he later gave at Bosklone, a scifi-convection) in regards to women in RAH's writing:

He has repeatedly insisted that women average smarte,r more practical and more courageous than men. He consistently underscores their biological and emotional superiority. He married a woman he proudly described to me as "smarte,r better educated and more sensible than I am."

In all, I'd agree strongly with RAH. Now just to find a Virginia of my own. Which in large parts means finding one foolish enough to put upw ith me. ;)

A bit more on-topic here, I know three women who have shot competiively now or in the past who can all shoot rings around me, and others who'd never competed and can do the same. On the average, though I'm no great shot, I'm more likely to accept a challenge form a guy than a woman. statistically, form people I've konwn and shot with, it's a safer bet.
Ladies also tend to listen better than us XY types. I present my kids as evidence: I've been bouncing around the living room with both of them and a pair of rubber knives for quite a while. My son is 12, and pretty good sized for his age. My daughter is 10, slight, and a girlie girl. My money'd be on her if they went at it with live blades. He's spazzs around slashing and swinging, despite my best efforts to get him to settle down adn focus. She keeps her live hand in play, her blade back until she gets a shot at my hand or can get in and stab me (repeatedly) in a vital area because that's how I taught her to do it! She listens, he doesn't. You see it in the gym too: take a look at a fit woman lifting. She does it well, no funny noises or faces, just good solid form. Watch her husband. He's probably swinging the weights around fit to pop a disc, using a heavier weight than he should, and looking like he's trying to pass a cantaloupe. Ladies don't seem to be in a rush for the instructor to stop talking so they can demonstrate that they already know how to shoot/lift/throw a punch/fill in the blank. Ladies tend to listen, ask questions, and check to make sure they got it right, whatever 'it' was. Any wonder they out perform us when they actually bother to try?
Back in basic one of our drill sergeants had run a few platoons of females. He said they consistently outperformed the men in every cycle. He attributed it to a willingness to shoot the way they were told as opposed to shooting the way they "knew" how...
In all, I'd agree strongly with RAH. Now just to find a Virginia of my own. Which in large parts means finding one foolish enough to put upw ith me.

LOL! Therein lies the great irony!:D (of course including myself (and all men) as "me" in that sentence)
Most violence against women would never occur if the cowards that perpetrate it knew that their prey were capable of shooting like your little lady there.
Nice pics!
We go on guys only weekend camping or backpacking trips all the time. The gals would like to go on gals only weekends but their personal safety is an issue. Most of the gals I know are anti firearms. Their loss.
Sutcliffe said:
We go on guys only weekend camping or backpacking trips all the time. The gals would like to go on gals only weekends but their personal safety is an issue. Most of the gals I know are anti firearms. Their loss.

That's really funny. a lot of times I am in the minority when we go backpacking. It is usually my wife, our pal Kate and I. In fact I probably know more women into hiking and stuff than men. Not guns though.
Aardvark said:
Whew! Didn't like the sound of that thread title at all.

I remember a western movie where the really bad a$$ gunslinger said that the only thing he would run from was a woman with a gun. The only thing worse than killing a woman (back then) was being killed by one.