Shop pics

Apr 9, 2006
Well I finally got some time to take some shop pics and make a more formal introduction. My Name is Matt Gleash, and I am a hobby maker at this point. Most of what I make ends up in the trash or broken, but I chalk that up to the learning curve. I attended the 2001 Intro to Bladesmithing course and was fortunate enough to have Kevin Cashen as the instructor. I forge and use the stock removal method, although I do prefer forging. :D My shop is probably over-equipped for a person of my ability, but I got most of the major stuff before I was married and had a child. I used to think that better equipment would make for better making on my part, boy was I wrong! :eek: :eek: I hope to someday give back to these forums as much as I have learned from them. Keep up the good work guys! -Matt-

Hope these pics turn out!






Ooops! Forgot to narrate the knife pics. From left to right, O-1 stock removal, O-1 forged, 1084 forged. All in various stages of construction. -Matt-
Where in Wisconsin Is Reedsburg?
I would love to get together sometime if your near by.
nice shop, always better to hvae the best tools and be over-equiped than to not have the right tools when you need them =)

My shop is set up for basic forging, as iv'e been a blacksmith longer than a bladesmith.. i need a grinder now though =D a 1x30 belt sander that i use for finishing some angles and stuff isnt going to cut it for blade making =)
You go grease-man:thumbup: You have a great attitude and you're open to learning from some of the best makers there are right here in the forums. Your shop looks great and it looks like you're well on your way to making great knives.
looking good! I like that Full tang knife with the wood handle:thumbup:
Where in Wisconsin Is Reedsburg?
I would love to get together sometime if your near by.

Reedsburg is about 15 miles west of Wisconsin Dells, about 2 hours away. Not too far for a day trip! :D We will have to set that up sometime!

JustinMercier you are right, I'm actually glad to be overequipped so early in my adventures. (or mis-adventures sometimes :p )

Thanks Kerry, you guys keep me coming back! The support here is incredible!

blgoode, thanks for the compliments. That knife on the left is one of my hopefulls. Hopefully the thing turns out! :eek: Straight grain oak handle material on that one. The grind worries me though, because that is my second attempt at a hollow grind and a swedge. I only have an 8 inch wheel for the Bader, and I'm trying to make a grind that is way too tall with it. After it is done I'll post some pics of it.

Thanks again guys! -Matt-
Nice set-up Grease-man. Looks like your got a good idea of what you need and as such, what you want to do. Very nice.
I'm wondering if I'm seeing the same pics as everyone else!:confused:

There's wood molding piled all around, cords, garden tools mixed in there ... just a scene of general clutter and mayhem. :eek:

Your place looks ALMOST as scattered and disreputable as MY place does most of the time!!!:D
Very nice shop Matt. You are right about learning a lot on the forums. Great bunch of folks willing to share loads of information.

By the way, just when you think you have everything in the way of equipment that you will ever need, you discover something else that would make life a little easier. It never ends.;)

Thanks for showing us your shop.

Those are some fantastic pictures there! I wish you all the best in your hobby :)

Hopefully one day I may own 1/10th of what you have lol
Matt, nice setup.:thumbup: As it has been said before, " he who dies with the most toys wins".;) :D
I'm wondering if I'm seeing the same pics as everyone else!:confused:

There's wood molding piled all around, cords, garden tools mixed in there ... just a scene of general clutter and mayhem. :eek:

Your place looks ALMOST as scattered and disreputable as MY place does most of the time!!!:D

Ha! I was wondering if anyone would notice the clutter and general state of decay in my shop! :D That's actually the cleanest it's been in months! :eek: A whole lot more goes on down there than making knives. Like all the projects my wife gets me into. :barf: I lover her to death though! I guess if the shop ain't dirty, you ain't using it right!

Indian George, I'm never gonna win that contest! A bunch of you have me beat by a country mile! I'll keep trying though!

Thanks again everyone! -Matt-
Nice shop grease-man What flavor was that ice cream lid from? do you have any left you can mail my way?