SHOT info?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2001
Someone mentioned SpyderBali being there...
That give us an idea on the timeline?
Good topic. I'd like to know if the Assist and the ATR were there. Pics of the Assist would be ideal.

By the way, I think the bali is gonna be named SpyderFly.
Not that I'm aware of. There's supposed to be two different variations of the Assist. It is supposed to be on the market by April.

Come on Carlos, post the pics! :D

We do not yet have pictures of the Assist I and Assist II. The models made their 'production prototype' debut at SHOT and are slated to hit the market this spring. We'll have pics pretty soon and will post them here.

The Spyderbali is still in a concept stage, no pictures, sorry.

Originally posted by Joyce Laituri

The Spyderbali is still in a concept stage, no pictures, sorry.


M. Janich told me that he had the opportunity to handle the knife and it's working great, despite its rather unusual look ;) (Now I gave you, little brutes lurking into the dark something to chew at) ;)
I just thought of two possible feature: a Hole in the blade like the SPOT, or maybe a kerambitesq hole in the handle.
Digging this one up out of the grave.....

Any pics? Please?


I just want to torture myself by looking at models I can't buy yet. :D
Originally posted by Joyce Laituri

We do not yet have pictures of the Assist I and Assist II. The models made their 'production prototype' debut at SHOT and are slated to hit the market this spring. We'll have pics pretty soon and will post them here.

Originally posted by Sal Glesser
Thank you Fred.

ditto - thanks for the link. Though I think my computer and wallet are conspiring for self-preservation. Both the pictures in the link and ones posted in a thread a while back are "broken". Ah, well. Such is technology. :p
Originally posted by Sal Glesser
Thank you Fred.


Is Fred the name of the guy who runs Knifecenter?
Is that sarcasm? Are we seeing another incident of Knifecenter posting images without Spyderco's permission?
Maybe it sounds like I'm reading too far into this, it's just that my name isn't Fred... so I was wondering where that came from...
I love the ATR, it looks nice, we can't wait to see them! Paul
Hi Think. Sorry, moving too fast and not "thinking".

Think, thanx for the link. good stuff.

Thanx Fred (the guy that takes the pics at knifecenter), who has in the past taken pics without pemission, but quickly removed them when he learned it was creating a problem. All of the models shown on this recent photo shoot are all protos going into production and are ok to shoot, so I am assuming that he spoke with someone at the show as to what he could and could not shoot.

Hope that clears things up.

Ok, cool, thanks for the clarification. No need for apology, I was just confused :) And no need to thank me for the link, glad to hear it's kosher. The SS Kiwi is really appealing to me!