SHOT show bound...

Oct 3, 1998
I am leavin' out early tomorrow morning for my flight to Orlando. I will be able to get into the show tomorrow and I'm gonna seek out our buddy Will and see if he can give me the lowdown on the new stuff. I think I may have access to a computer w/ an Internet connection down there so if I do, I maybe posting the new stuff here [provided, Will will allow this to be done even before the official opening of the show!]

Since I'm not here to help watch over this place, you boys play nice amongst yourselves :D
Originally posted by Dexter Ewing
Since I'm not here to help watch over this place, you boys play nice amongst yourselves :D
:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:

Have fun man!! GOTTA let us in on da breaking news!!!
Man, I am so bummed.:grumpy: I wish I could go this year. I just can't pull free, and money is unfortunately too tight.

Tell everyone Hi from me. Try to keep Will (and for that matter Kit) out of trouble. (That might even keep you busy enough to stay out of trouble.) :D

Updates would be cool! Even just hints. Since you have a computer connection, you could always visit us on chat if you get bored.

See you at Blade,
