Should Spyderco have a regular production carbon fiber model?

Should Spyderco have a regular production carbon fiber model?

  • Yes, I'd like a regular production CF model, even if it means fewer CF sprints.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I prefer having frequent sprint runs of CF variants of standard models.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like CF, I'd rather have sprint runs in Micarta, wood, or other exotic materials.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 9, 2000
AFAIK, the original Michael Walker clipit was the only regular production carbon fiber handled clipit ever produced by Spyderco. We've had limited CF production runs of various sizes (500 to 1500) of several standard models. Do you think it is time that Spyderco once again produced a regular production CF clipit, designed ab initio for this handle material? Or do you prefer getting a couple sprint runs of carbon fiber variants every year?

Especially given the limits of production capacity, a regular CF model would probably mean fewer CF sprints.

Any thoughts on the subject?

Those unable to vote, feel free to chime in.
Great Poll Topic Carlos!:cool:

I'd like to see the Sprint runs continue until all the production models (or at least the more popular ones) have been given the CF skin. :D I realize that this could take some time but I'm not in a rush. ;)
Once that has happened, Spyderco could design a regular production CF knife using the experience of all the Sprint runs as well as feedback from the ELUs who have purchased the CF Sprint runs.:)
Given the choice I would go for sprint runs of existing models. There's nothing better than getting a CF varient of a knife you use and like and has been a constant companion for a few years. That's why I'm really looking forward the the CF Delica.

Now for an even better idea, how about sprint runs of some golden oldies, oh ... for example, a PE CF Calypso Jnr ? Please, please, please, ....:D
It would be great to have a standard CF model, but not at the cost of limiting the opportunities to get some of the others in that variation. I hope to see a CF run of the Harpy at some point...that would be cool!

The CF SpyderHawk concept has already been dragged-around some, and I would love that too (but the Harpy would be classy in the extreme)!

More options sound better in the sprint-runs to me.
Here's my $.02:

I like the sprint runs. I really like the Spyderco CF handles. But, I think the sprint run knives end up mostly in collections. I don't think they get used - which is a shame.

I would like to see a regular production knife in CF. But, I don't think it should be a CF version of a popular model like the delica.

Instead, it should be an all-new, fancy, expensive gentlemans folder - which is one thing I think Spyderco currently lacks. It should have all the latest wiz-bang features (S30V, Compression or ball bearing lock, CF handles, etc)

It should be very thin, and light, and carry well in a suit or slacks. It should be something that makes your coworkers (at least the nonsheeple variety) say wow, where can I get one of those. The MSRP should be high. Not Sebenza high, but high. It should have a harmless name - like "Wallstreet". The clip should be easily removable.

It should compete directly with the William Henry's and the upscale Benchmades, and to some extent, Chris Reeve.

I think it fill in some gaps, especially the one left by the Viele.

Just my $0.02

-- Rob
I wouldn't mind seeing a new model in CF, as a production...

CF, warncliff, flat grind(like the oldies), VG-10, with *gasp* an ambi nail slot(all the way through the blade)... and a clip would be nice, just for securing it to the suit...
I rather have a good stablized wood or micarta handle because it could be a great dress/people friendly knife.
No, I prefer having frequent sprint runs of CF variants of standard models.
I like the frequent sprint runs of carbon fiber handled models. I just think the next knife to get carbon fiber should be the Navigator!! :D
I would rather have the sprint runs of existing popular models. Small question here, I think on topic. The term "sprint run" and "500" seem to go hand in hand. Does this mean that he CF Police is not a sprint run?

Sal refers to production runs of 1500 as "sprint runs" as well. Smaller runs of 500 have sometimes been referred to as "limited editions," sometime as "sprint runs."
Why should a regular production CF model exclude the sprint runs? :rolleyes:
Can't be done both of them? One model especially designed for CF to be produced regulary and short runs of successfull/new/fancy/various models now and then.
I would like to see a production CF model as long as it was a popular model like the Native,Endura or Delica.The Native would be a great one to do in Mat finish.Seems like on a production model the mat finish would be better for EDC.
I would also like to see a CF matte finish on some of their knives. I also am curious how / why having a production knife in CF would preclude or reduce the number of sprint runs.

I would prefer having sprint runs of CF variants of some of the standard models. I bought the CF Police and will buy the CF Delica. Now if only a run CF Natives were added..... :)
Would it be feasible to resurrect discontinued models for a sprint run or two? It seems like Spyderco has a couple of old designes that'd make extraordinarily elegant CF models.

My vote's for the Calypso Jr. PE (It has a great look, and no small "star power" among Spydie fans who'd jump at a chance to own _any_ kind of PE Calypso), and this Jess Horn model:
Oooo I really liked the Viele...but now that its no longer being produced...maybe Mr. Viele could design another knife for Spyderco in CF :D That would be really nice...
I am along the same lines as Hawkbill, A CF plain edge Merlin would be a must for me. The Merlin was my first Spydie. I also own a Harpy so a CF of that would most likely find a home with me. I am awaiting the Delica version now.

I think the sprint runs allow alot more models to become available with the CF handles and I like that! :)