Show Me Those Asian Waterbuffalo Pics?


Biscuit Whisperer
Super Mod
Mar 15, 2000
Before the BG-42 train leaves the station for good, I want to get in one more order at the Custom Shop.

I know I want to try the Asian Waterbuffalo, and I'm pretty sure I like the grooved (regular) over the smooth. Still debating about rivets and finger grooves.


Whatchya got? Show me some pics so I can make up my mind?


Smooth with a BG-42 blade, just to rub it in. :D

Mine'll look similar to TLC's top picture, only (the Buck Knife gods willing) it'll have a BG-42 blade.

I have a custom 110 in stag with the finger grooves and rivets. Decided to go the other direction on this knife. I actually think I like the fuller feeling of the regular set-up in my hand, and I just wanted the textured Waterbuffalo without any rivets breaking up the patterns.


Asian Waterbuffalo
Nickel bolsters
No serrations (plain edge)
No finger grooves
No rivets
Black leather sheath
IMO, rivets look okay with wood, not so nice with waterbuffalo, elk horn and stag. Other than looks/aesthetics, do the rivets perform a function? Is the grip panel stronger with them or without them?
I'm with ras, not a big fan of riviets in bone or stag. I had concerns about cracking around them.
IMO, rivets look okay with wood, not so nice with waterbuffalo, elk horn and stag. Other than looks/aesthetics, do the rivets perform a function? Is the grip panel stronger with them or without them?

The difference is negligible if you ask Buck. They swear by their their adhesive/epoxy on the rivet-less knives. I've heard no complaints.

I may be wrong, but I don't think the riveted knives are glued anymore, though perhaps they used to be. Of course, the glued knives have no rivets, just a hidden rocker pin.

I went with rivets on the stag because I wanted the look of an old-timey fixed blade. So many of my slipjoints have stag or bone handles, and they all have rivets. No cracking to report on the Buck 110, and it's seen some use. If it does crack, I think Buck'll have my back.

The lesson? Order what you like. Buck stands behind their products and their work.

Like Dijon...
I like rivets. Old skool is kewl :cool:
That being said, that is not a blanket statement. I would not like pins on the 110 Buff.
But, I would like pins on the 110AG Stag.

Guess it's the Ginger/Mary Ann, Betty/Wilma, Professor/Mrs Howell, Coke/Pesi, Mayo/MiracleWhip gigs.
Choice is good.

BTW, Guyon, awesome pic/angle of the 110 BG-42